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A Brief Emerging Tecnologies Overview

Power Systems Instrumentation and Measurement

TechnologiesProgrammable Josephson Voltage Standards (PJVS) for power measurements, Pulse-driven AC Josephson Voltage Standards (AC JVS) for voltage and power measurements, GPS-Based System-Wide Synchrophasor Measurements, Smart Metering, Home Area Networks, Demand Response, Optical Sensors for AC high-voltage and high-current measurements, High-Accuracy Rogowski Coils.


Programmable Josephson Voltage Standards (PJVS), Pulse-driven AC Josephson Voltage Standards (AC JVS): After being used for quantum-accuracy AC voltage measurements, AC power standards based on Programmable Josephson Voltage Standards (PJVS) are currently under development at the National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) in North America (NIST, NRC) and Europe (PTB, NPL, and other European NMIs as part of iMERA project). This is a new path to providing traceability to international system of units (SI) through the realizations (called national standards) of units which are primarily based on physical laws and fundamental constants. (The SI units serve as the basis of traceability, which is a fundamental concept for unified system of metrology.) It is expected that the uncertainties of PJVS based power measurements of the order 1-2 μW/VA or better are going to be achieved at power frequencies. Pulse-driven AC Josephson Voltage Standards (AC JVS) may find application in quantum-accuracy power measurements at higher frequencies, and for distorted waveforms. 

GPS-Based System-Wide Synchrophasor Measurements: The development of communications and introduction and availability of a standardized time reference over wide geographic area by GPS, laid the foundation for the synchrophasor technology. This in turn provided information for system-wide monitoring, control and protection of the power system that was not previously available. Although the synchrophasor technology development can be traced to over two decades ago, it had to wait fairly long for commercial deployment of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), which has started on a larger scale relatively recently. The synchrophasor technology is only now maturing to large scale applications. Recent large scale deployment projects emphasize the importance of standards for accuracy and interoperability. Creation of large interconnected networks of PMUs requires a thorough testing, as well as integration of monitoring and control subsystems as embedded systems in the power networks. New uses of PMUs are appearing, such as for real-time thermal monitoring of multi-area transmission lines for sags (due to transmitted power, ambient temperature, wind, ice, and other weather conditions). Beside the calibration methods defined by the IEEE standard for synchrophasors, new methods for dynamic calibrations of PMUs are currently being developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in US, with a possibility that other National Measurement Institutes (NMIs) will join the effort. An NMI's role is also to ensure traceability of PMU measurements to SI units.

Smart Metering: Advances in the communication technology enabled and moves to deregulation of electrical power industry prompted development of smart metering for residential and industrial customers. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR, interpreted also as Advanced Meter Reading) and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) refer to automated collecting data from electricity (but also gas and water) metering devices, transferring data to a center for data storage, billing (possibly based on time-of-use etc.), data analysis (e.g. load profiling), monitoring, and other purposes. Two-way communication capability allows meter configuration. Integrating distributed energy resources in the power system requires two way metering capability from smart meters. Communication capability allows for interaction with customer, which requires customer behavior modification, introduces new dynamics in the system, and opens up space for new services. This is represents a basis for Home Area Networks and Demand Response. (E.g. see Smart Metering Canada 2008, with more than 1 million smart meters installed in Ontario at end of 2007.)

Demand Response: incentive-based: load control, interruptible/curtailable rates, demand bidding/buyback programs, emergency demand programs, capacity market programs (CMP), ancillary-services market programs; time-based: time-of-use (TOU), critical-peak pricing (CPP), real-time pricing (RTP).

Optical Sensors: Although the introduction of optical sensors for AC high-voltage and high-current measurements (e.g. based on Pockel's and Faraday's effects) started a long ago, system wide deployment has yet to take place.

High-Accuracy Rogowski Coils: Used for a long time in various current sensing applications, such as protective relaying, measurements of high-, impulse-, and transient-currents, Rogowski coils with the new developments, including innovative designs, new materials, machining techniques and two- or three-dimensional printed circuit board structures, are emerging as an increasingly accurate means for high-current measurements both at power and higher frequencies. The introduction of the load reduction, temperature compensation, linearization and other error reducing techniques, device coding, parameter retention, digitization of output signals, and communication to local data acquisition systems have contributed to their performance in some cases satisfying and exceeding IEC Class 0.1 requirements for Electronic Current Transformers.

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