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A Brief Emerging Tecnologies Overview

Smart Grid

Technologies: Smart Grid (SG).

Description: Although presently there is no widely accepted defenition of Smart Grid (SG means different things to different people), the term refers to electrical power system and technologies that allow two-way energy flow registration and monitoring (Smart Metering; Advanced Metering Infrastructure, AMI), which allow connection of  user loads or user energy sources (usally renewable energy sources: solar, wind, etc.) to the electrical power grid. The goal is improvement of efficiency, power quality, reliability, and security of the future electrical power system (both at the transmission and distribution levels) by additing to it communications and networking capability, automation, and inteligence in many forms. 

US National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) groups technologies that enable Smart Grid operation into five key areas: integrated communications, sensing and measurement, advanced components, advanced control methods, and interfaces and decision support. 

Smart grid links of interest:

Main web portal of National Institude of Standards and Technology (NIST), US

NIST Smart Grid Twiki

Main Page of the NIST Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP)

SGIP Interoperability Knowledge Base (IKB) Standards Catalog

US Department of Energy (DOE) Smart Grid Site

US DOE Smart Grid Information Clearinghouse

NETL Smart Grid Implementation Strategy, SGIS

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