2009 IEEE Accessing the Future Conference

Hotel Information

The Colonnade Hotel, Boston The Colonnade Hotel, Boston
120 Huntington Ave
Boston, MA 02116
Tel: +1 617 424 7000

The Colonnade Hotel is within walking distance from the conference venue at the Northeastern University campus (0.8 miles).  From the hotel, take Huntington Avenue (turn Left after exiting hotel at main lobby) and turn Left on Forsyth Street.

Map (PDF, 1.7MB)

Hotel Rates

The Hotel is offering a special rate of $199/night (taxes not included) for all attendees of the "Accessing the Future" conference. This rate is available until July 10, 2009. The number of rooms available at this rate is limited. Please register for the conference and make your hotel reservations early.

Hotel Reservations

Colonnade Hotel Reservations

Hosted by

Northeastern University
Boston, MA USA



20 - 21 July 2009