Topics of interests include, but not limited to:
- gene expression array analysis
- structure prediction and folding
- molecular sequence alignment and analysis
- metabolic pathway analysis
- RNA and protein folding and structure prediction
- analysis and visualization of large biological data sets
- motif detection
- molecular evolution and phylogenetics
- systems and synthetic biology
- modelling, simulation and optimization of biological systems
- robustness and evolvability of biological networks
- emergent properties in complex biological systems
- ecoinformatics and applications to ecological data analysis
- medical imaging and pattern recognition
- medical image analysis
- biomedical data modelling and mining
- treatment optimisation
- biomedical model parameterisation
- brain computer interface

The use of computational intelligence must play a substantial role in submitted papers. Submissions will be peer reviewed and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be indexed in
IEEE Xplore.
Selected papers after a substantial extension will be considered
to publish in journal special issues. One Best Paper Award and one Best Student Paper Award will be given.