IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking
22-24 October 2018 – Tokyo, Japan

Online Registration

<< Registration is now closed >>

Notice:   For each accepted paper, at least one (co-)author must register in Full category by 31 August, 2018.
The Online registration may be closed even before October 22 if we meet the maximum number.
There is no on-site registration (Online registration only).

Registration Fee

All registration fee amounts include Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT).

Registration Category Registered by
31 August, 2018
Registered after
31 August, 2018
Full IEEE ComSoc Member JPY 51,840 JPY 62,200
IEEE Member JPY 57,240 JPY 68,680
Sister Society Member JPY 57,240 JPY 68,680
Non-Member JPY 78,840 JPY 94,600
Student IEEE Student Member JPY 38,880 JPY 46,650
Sister Society Student Member JPY 38,880 JPY 46,650
Non-Member JPY 46,440 JPY 55,720
IEEE Life Member JPY 38,880 JPY 46,650

Full registrations and IEEE Life Member registration include access to all the technical programs and the conference proceedings, conference lunches, welcome reception, and conference banquet.
If you wish to attend the banquet, registration must be completed by October 15 in Full or IEEE Life Member categories. If you complete the registration after October 16 (including on-site registration), the access to the banquet will not be provided.
Student registrations include access to all the technical programs and the conference proceedings, and welcome reception.
For authors with multiple accepted papers, one full registration is valid for up to 3 papers.

Payment Method


Creditcard payment will be processed by the registration site.
Your creditcard statement will show that the payment has been made to the name of Proactive Inc. or Zeus, which is the agent handling registration.

Bank transfer

Please pay the registration fee to the following bank account.

  Account Number:  275-4420637
  Account Holder:  CloudNet2018

Notice:   Bank transfer is recommended for Japanese residents.
All bank transfer fees and commissions must be payed by the payer.
Please add your registration ID to the payer name.

Cancellation Policy

All refund/cancellation requests must be provided via E-mail to and received by 21 September, 2018. There will be an administrative fee of JPY 10,800 deducted from each refund. After 21 September, 2018, no refunds requests will be accepted.

Notice:  Author registrations are non-refundable.

ComSoc Student Travel Grant

ComSoc offers travel grants to the students who registered and co-authored an accepted paper in CloudNet 2018, on competitive basis. A limited number of Student Travel Grants (STG) will be awarded by IEEE ComSoc and the CloudNet 2018 Organizing Committee.

To be eligible for this STG, the applicant must satisfy all of the following requirements:

The applicant must be an author or co-author and presenter of an accepted (and registered) CloudNet 2018 paper. The applicant must be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelors, Masters or Ph. D degree in a college or university at the time of submitting this application. Applicants must not have received any other STG in the last 12 months. A student who is awarded a student travel grant must attend the conference in person. The student must register, attend, and present the paper at the conference. Payment will only be made to the student as long as the award recipient submits the expense report (with receipts) within 30 days after the conference. More details will be provided to the students who are selected to receive the STG award.

Application Procedure

Please email your application to Takuji Tachibana (, with mandatory title "IEEE CloudNet 2018 STG Application" and include your CV and a recommendation letter. The CV shall include the following information

  1. Your name, institution, contact information and country
  2. Name of recommender (who needs to send a letter of recommendation)
  3. Email of your recommender
  4. Paper title
  5. Are you a full time student?
  6. Type of degree (Bachelor/Master/Doctoral)
  7. Citizenship (required)
  8. Ethnicity and gender (optional, used to broaden the participation of under-represented students)
  9. Are you an IEEE ComSoc member? If yes, state your ComSoc member number
  10. A page that briefly summarizes your current research interests and accomplishments

If you have any queries regarding Student Travel Grants for CloudNet 2018, please, contact Takuji Tachibana ( with mandatory title: IEEE CloudNet 2018 STG Question: (include your last name) soon.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: September 14, 2018