Executive Committee
 Gene Greneker, USA

ggrenekerMr. E. F. (Gene) Greneker, serves as Principal Research Scientist in the Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory, Radar Systems Division at GTRI. He received his Master of Science degree from the Georgia institute of Technology and his Bachelor of Science degree from Georgia State University. He has served as Project Director of over 35 major sponsored research projects during his 27-year career as a member of the GTRI technical staff and member of the Georgia Tech General Faculty, each of which incorporated radar as the central focal point. Much of this work has been in the area of physical security, specifically the detection and tracking of low flying aircraft approaching high value assets and large area intrusion detection surveillance techniques. He served as a consultant on radar related issues to the recent White House Security Review.

His radar related investigations have been conducted for the U.S. Army, Air Force, Department of Energy, Department of the Treasury, Customs Service, Coast Guard, Department of Justice, Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation, other agencies, The Georgia Department of Transportation, and the State of Georgia Governor's Office.

Mr. Greneker is currently a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), as well as a member of the Sigma Xi Research Society and the American, Meteorological Society. In addition, he holds a General Radio Telephone with Radar Endorsement and Amateur Radio License K4MOG Extra Class. He also holds several patents including Portable Telephone System, U.S. Patent No. 3,721,771, Doppler Distrometer, U.S. Patent No. 4,660,038, and Highway Safety Method and Apparatus, Patent Pending. He is the author of the commercial software "Simulations in Radioactivity," D. C. Heath Co., Lexington, Massachusetts, December 1985. In addition, he has published over 70 papers in technical journals, symposium records, and other publications.

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