Camera-ready Paper Submission: Author Kit
The following link and documents are provided for IVEC authors to prepare and submit their extended IEEE-compliant abstracts and associated form(s) by 20th December 2010.
Corresponding authors of accepted abstracts must prepare an IEEE Xplore compliant version of their final papers using the IEEE PDF eXpress system.
1. Final Abstract Formatting:
General guideline regarding the format of the camera ready paper can be found in the Camera-ready Abstract template (for both oral and poster abstracts) DOC format or PDF format
PDF Conversion:
Authors must use IEEE PDF eXpress service to prepare and validate their camera ready paper.
Please go to the IEEE PDF eXpress site at
Click on the link "New Users - Click Here" and fill in your information.
You will need the Conference ID which is: ivec2011xp
You will be asked to provide an email address and a password that will be used for creating your personal PDF eXpress account. Once the account is created you will receive a written email confirmation at the email address you specified. Please remember to keep that email for future reference. Use the provided information to login at the Main Page:
Once the PDF conversion is complete, the status of the paper ID will show “approved for collection”. Then click “checking file” , the PDF converted file will be visible in the desktop, which can be saved in the desktop and then uploaded in IVEC-2011 website through final abstract submission link.
2. Copyright Forms:
All authors must submit the IEEE e-Copyright Form before submitting their camera ready paper.
The following rules apply for signing the IEEE Copyright Form:
- If the paper is not authored by any U.S. or Crown Government employee, then one of the authors shall sign line (1)
- If the paper is authored by a combination of U.S/Crown government and non-government employees, then an author who is not a government employee shall sign line (1).
- If all the authors are U.S. government employees, then one author shall sign line (1) and (2).
- If all the authors are Crown government employees, then one author shall sign line (1) and (3).
The IEEE Copyright Form can be found here in PDF format (for both oral and poster presentations). The signed copyright form can be scanned and the uploaded in the IVEC-2011 website through the author login or may be sent by email ( or Fax (91-80-28381750/28386804).
3. Author Bio Form and AV Form (for oral presentation only):
Authors making an oral presentation are also asked to submit an Author Bio Form and A V Form on-line on abstract submission site only. Please be sure to include your accepted paper ID number on your submitted forms.
4. Final abstract Submission:
Please login to your account on IVEC-2011 website ( after clicking ‘submission of final abstract’.
- Fill up the AV and Bio form on the website (for oral presentation only)
- Upload the created IEEE-compliant pdf file of the Camera-ready abstract
- Upload the signed and scanned IEEE copyright form (for both oral and poster presentations)
For Submission of final abstract, Please CLICK HERE»
5. Presentation at the Conference:
Each paper selected for oral presentation at the conference will be allotted a total of 20 minutes: 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions and discussion. To maintain the schedule of each session, authors are asked to make sure their presentations conform to these time constraints.
Oral Presentation Instructions (will be updated shortly)
Poster Presentation Instructions (will be updated shortly)