Competition Details
Entries should be in the form of a Research paper inclusive of the following sections:
1. Title Page
2. Abstract – Significant contents & main conclusions of the research.
3. Introduction – Introduce the topic, state what is involved in the expt, introduce previous research in the field, state hypothesis and reasons
4. Materials & methods – state what was used in the expt and how you used it, report your results but don’t interpret them. Graphs and statistical analysis may be included.
5. Conclusion – Interpret results, compare what you saw in your expt to previous research, state possible bias.
6. Works cited.
To see examples from previous years participants click here
Rules & Regulations:
1.1 The competition is only open to the following students: - Full time students in JCs - Registered students of the polytechnics - Undergraduates 1.2 Full time students in JCs are inclusive of those who are awaiting their ‘A-Levels’ results.
1.3 Participants may work individually or as a team . Both groups shall be subject to the same judging criteria.
1.4 Institutions are allowed to register more than one team but each team should work independently from one another
1.5 Each team must have a faculty advisor. The advisor must be a faculty member of the college or tertiary institution of the other members of the college or tertiary institution of the other members of the team. Adjunct or emeritus faculties are welcome to serve as advisors. Advisors may give guidance and suggestions but cannot perform actual design work.
2.1 The number of students in a team must not exceed 5
2.2 Each student may only join one team.
2.3 Pertaining to the selection of the team members, they need not be from the same institutions
2.4 Students in the same team are not required to be from the same levels or disciplines
3.1 In the event of the competition, the registered teams are required to hand up a research paper
3.2 The research conducted must be original and must be the recent works of the entrants.
3.3 Entries submitted must not be from last years event
3.4 In the event during the competition, the organizers reserve the rights to withdraw the submissions of any participants if the participant is found to have carried out any forms of plagiarism or whatsoever.
4.1 The participants of the competition are encouraged to keep within the scope of the competition.But if the project is of significant value to the society and of the competition theme allowances may be made.
4.2 The categories for the competition comprise of the following
- Computing / IT
- Biological / Life Sciences
- Environmental Sciences
- Robotics and Science Gadgets
- Physical sciences
- Engineering: Structural, mechanical, aerospace and environmental
- Electronics and Electrical
Judging Criteria:
Innovation 20%
Implementation 20%
Social & commercial utility 15%
Depth of research/ Technical
Soundness/feasibility 25%
Presentation 20%
Total 100%
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IEEE Singapore
IEEE NTU Chapter