“You know, yesterday at a session I heard a couple interesting ideas that I will definitely try now in my lab. If I hadn't come here - I usually go to my society’s Conference on Chemical Sensors – I wouldn’t have learned those things. This conference is so good in this respect – it connects people from different communities with interests in sensing.”
-From a coffee break conversation at the IEEE SENSORS 2011 Conference, Limerick, Ireland

Special Sessions

               Call for Special Sessions in IEEE SENSORS 2012

IEEE SENSORS 2012 is intended to provide a forum for research scientists, engineers, and practitioners throughout the world to present their latest research findings, ideas, and applications in the area of sensors and sensing technology. The conference also includes special sessions reflecting emerging and current works that will impact the advances of sensing technology for years to come.

Prospective organizers of special sessions are invited to submit their proposals to one of the special sessions chairs as listed below (pchao@mail.nctu.edu.tw or peterchang@itri.org.tw). Each session organizer is expected to propose a special session with at least five but not more than six presentations with identified speakers. The organizer has an option to identify one of these 5 or 6 presentations as an invited presentation. Due to limited budget, the speaker delivering the invited presentation is expected to self-support traveling expense and registration. The submitted proposal should include the information as below in a recommended template.

(1) Topic of the special session proposed.
(2) Name, affiliation and contact email address of the organizers.
(3) For each paper in the proposed special session:
i.    Title
ii.    Authors
iii.    Authors’ contact info (affiliation, email address, etc.)
iv.    Invited?

The submitted proposals will be further reviewed by Special Sessions and Program Committee. Upon proposal acceptance, the papers in the proposed special session should also be submitted as regular papers to https://sensors2012.e-papers.org/ for a general paper-reviewing process. The proposed session is not open to general submissions. Should the final number of the accepted papers in the proposed special session be below the required paper number in a general session in the final conference program, the program committee will work with the organizers to arrange other closely-related submissions from a general submission pool to the proposed special session.

The deadline for proposal submission is now extended to April  13, 2012.

Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: April 13, 2012
Notification of Special Session Acceptance: April 18, 2012
Submission of Abstract as for Regular Paper: May 4, 2012
Submission of Full Papers: June 30, 2012

Paul C.-P. Chao
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
National Chiao Tung University
Hsinchu, Taiwan 30010

Peter Chang
Microsystem Technology Center (MSTC)
South Division
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)
Tainan, Taiwan 734

Important Dates

21 May 2012 Abstract Submission Deadline
10 Aug 2012 Final Full Paper Submission(4 Pages)
10 Aug 2012 Presenting Author and Early Bird Registration Deadline