Tutorial 3
– 12 :15pm, Monday, September 2009
Plug-in Hybrid Electric
Vehicles: Transportation 2.0
Dr. Ali Emadi , Harris Perlstein Endowed Chair
Professor and Director, Electric Power and Power Electronics
Center and Grainger Laboratories,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL,
Founder and President, Hybrid
Electric Vehicle Technologies, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA
How do
we reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, address global
warming, and start improving our electric power grid
infrastructure—all while creating innovative new markets and
sustainable solutions for the auto industry? The answer, which
is both the greatest economic challenge and opportunity of our
time, is in the area of energy. Transportation is at the heart
of this challenge. A key component of any practical solution
must include electrification of the transportation sector.
Electricity is cleaner, cheaper, and domestically produced.
Due to recent technology innovations, plug-in hybrid electric
vehicle technology is the best practical solution and the
proposed sustainable approach includes integrating the
transportation industry with the electric power industry
through a smart grid and generating electricity from
carbon-free and renewable energy sources. This is in fact the
already-started paradigm shift in transportation by enabling
domestic, clean electricity to replace
petroleum—Transportation 2.0.
presentation gives an overview of the current status and
future trends in the transportation industry. The motivation
for the research, development, and commercialization of
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) will be explained.
The presentation is mainly focused on drive train
configurations and presents a review of conversion strategies
to hybridize different vehicles. In addition, different PHEV
configurations and business models will be presented with a
focus on engineering fundamentals as well as state-of-the-art
research and development in the areas of system components and
In this
presentation, vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and vehicle-to-home (V2H)
aspects as well as plug-in issues of the power electronic
chargers will be reviewed. Energy storage systems including
Li-ion and NiMH batteries and their associated electronics and
electronic control units will be described as well.
Hybridizing the energy storage systems using ultra-capacitors
will be presented as an attractive possibility for not only
fast charge applications, but also extreme cold conditions.
Throughout the presentation, related component-level as well
as system-level challenges are explained and possible
solutions are recommended. Unprecedented opportunities in the
areas of power electronics, electric motor drives, energy
storage, system control, and hybrid electro-mechanical drive
trains will be highlighted together with the power grid unique
Dr. Ali Emadi is the Harris
Perlstein Endowed Chair Professor of Electrical Engineering
and the director of the Electric Power and Power Electronics
Center and Grainger Laboratories at Illinois Institute of
Technology (IIT) in Chicago, where he has established research
and teaching facilities as well as courses in power
electronics, motor drives, and vehicular power systems. In
addition, Dr. Emadi is the founder, president, and chief
technology officer of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technologies,
Inc. (HEVT). He is also the founder, director, and chairman of
the board of the Industry/Multi-university Consortium on
Advanced Automotive Systems (IMCAAS).
Dr. Emadi is the recipient of numerous awards
and recognitions. He has been named as a Chicago Matters
Global Visionary in 2009. He has been named the Eta Kappa Nu
Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer of the Year 2003 (single
international award) by virtue of his outstanding
contributions to hybrid electric vehicle conversion by the
Electrical Engineering Honor Society. He also received the
2005 Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics
Engineer Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society. In
2005, he was selected as the Best Professor of the Year by the
students at IIT. Dr. Emadi is the recipient of the 2002
University Excellence in Teaching Award from IIT as well as
the 2004 Sigma Xi/IIT Award for Excellence in University
Research. He directed a team of students to design and build a
novel motor drive, which won the First Place Overall Award of
the 2003 IEEE/DOE/DOD International Future Energy Challenge
for Motor Competition.
Dr. Emadi is the principal
author/co-author of over 250 journal and conference papers as
well as several books including Vehicular Electric Power
Systems: Land, Sea, Air, and Space Vehicles (Marcel
Dekker, 2003), Energy Efficient Electric Motors (Marcel
Dekker, 2004), Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Active
Filters (CRC Press, 2004), Modern Electric, Hybrid
Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory, and
Design (CRC Press, 2004), and Integrated Power
Electronic Converters and Digital Control (CRC Press,
2009). Dr. Emadi is also the editor of the Handbook of
Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives (Marcel
Dekker, 2005).
Dr. Emadi was the founding
General Chair of the 1st IEEE Vehicle Power and
Propulsion Conference (VPPC’05), which was co-located under
his chairmanship with the SAE International Future
Transportation Technology Conference. He is currently the
Chair of the IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Steering
Committee, Chair of the Technical Committee on Transportation
Power Electronics of the IEEE Power Electronics Society, and
Chair of the Power Electronics Technical Committee of the IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society. He has also served as the
Chair of the prestigious International Future Energy
Dr. Emadi is the Editor (North
America) of the
Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles.
He has been the Guest Editor-in-Chief of the Special Issue on
Automotive Power Electronics and Motor Drives, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics. He has also been the
Guest Editor of the Special Section on Hybrid Electric and
Fuel Cell Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology and Guest Editor of the Special Section on
Automotive Electronics and Electrical Drives, IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics. He has served as
an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular
Technology, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, and
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.