Templates - 5. AP Communications Society Membership Statistics and Graphs
ComSoc Annual Membership Statistics and Graphs is updated on this webpage.
You may use these updated graphs on the other PowerPoints presentations.
The data is taken from the IEEE Annual Statistics Report which contain membership statistics as well as information for all organization units within IEEE.
41 AP ComSoc Chapters
These powerpoints statistics were updated on 20 March 2014 using IEEE 2013 Annual Statistics.
Australia Capital Territory - Joint Chapters - SP 001 / COM 019
Hong Kong - Joint Chapters - CAS 004 / COM 019
Hyderabad - Joint Chapters - COM 019 / SP 001
India Council - Joint Chapters - AES 010 / COM 019 / LEO 036
Japan Council - Tokyo, Fukuoka, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Sapporo, Shikoku, Shin-etsu
Macau - Joint Chapters - CAS 004 / COM 019
Malaysia - Joint Chapters - VT 006 / COM 019
New South Wales - Joint Chapters - SP 001 / COM 019
Northern Australia - Joint Chapters - MTT 017 / COM 019
Queensland - Joint Chapters - SP 001 / COM 019
Republic of Philippines - Joint Chapters - C 016 / COM 019
South Australia - Joint Chapters - SP 001 / COM 019
- Xian
Last Update: March 23, 2015