Meetings & Events  |
Autodesk Workshop - Learn Fusion 360
This is an in-person Hands-on Fusion Workshop that will cover the following: Fusion Overview; User Interface; Workspaces; Parts Modeling and Assembling; and Output Options.
29th Mar 2023, 4:00 - 8:00 PM Boston Time SNHU Campus, 2500 North River Rd, Manchester, NH. SETA IDE Building.
Contact for Registering.
Webinar - Superconductor Cables: Technology, Utility Applications And ComEdison Project
This is a joint event of Boston, Providence, New Hampshire Reliability Chapters.
The presenter is Michael Ross, Managing Director of Superconductor Power Systems for AMSC. He will cover: Overview of High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) Cable Technology; Features and Applications of HTS Cables on Utility Systems; Benefits, Resiliency, Reliability aspects; and HTS Cable Project in Chicago.
12th April 2023, 11:00 - 12:00 PM Boston Time Virtual Event.
Registration is required.
IEEE MTT Distinguished Lecture: RF Design For Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Communication Systems
IEEE 2023 MTT-S Distinguished Lecturer (DL) Dr. Jasmin Grosinger's will present her work in ultra-low power wireless systems, that would be very interesting to MTT/AP-S as all well members of IEEE. In the "Connectivity for Everything" that will come with 6G, there will be a massive deployment of wireless nodes (estimates of (10^7 devices)/(km^2)) and engineers are working on the RF design challenges to address the sustainibility issues at both the environmental and economic level that will come with such a deployment. Dr. Grosinger will overview and discuss how these issues are being addressed.
17th Apr 2023 06:00 - 07:15 PM Boston Time, followed by an Optional Dinner with the Speaker Nashua Public Library, 2 Court St, Nashua NH.
Registration is required.
NHJES 2023: Call For Speakers
Read this announcement and the Call For Speakers by Don Sherwood, who along with Tom Perkins, have been representing the IEEE NH Section from the inception of the NHJES. The New Hampshire Society of Professional Engineers, NHSPE, established the New Hampshire Joint Engineering Societies as an umbrella organization 16 years ago. It organizes a yearly conference in October that provides professional engineers an opportunity to earn Professional Development Hours toward their continuing education licensure requirements. This year’s conference adds a new dimension to the program in the form of hands-on activity to go with each talk. This opens additional opportunities for the NH IEEE members to support and contribute.
Meeting Details Soon
IEEE Conferences and Virtual Events Calendar Browse for Upcoming Conferences, Major events and those available on-demand. Also watch IEEE TV For More.. |
Member Benefits & Resources
IEEE Competitve Advantage Watch how your IEEE Peers and Colleagues are reaping the benefits of IEEE Membership, notably competitive advantage for successful careers.
Subscribe to
IEEE Youtube Channel .
Keep Abreast of the Member Benefits Use the new Global Benefits Finder to become aware of all your member benfits tailored to your location, career stage and professional profile. |
IEEE Computer Society Learning Platform!
Visit frequently to keep pace with technologies and trends that are making the biggest impact on the industry and the society.
JOBS & Careers  |
Nationwide Jobs
Computer Jobs |
Neighboring Sections
IEEE Boston Section Video Archives Watch the growing library of interesting Video presentations by Boston Chapter.
IEEE Boston Section Read Boston Reflector March 2023   |
IEEE Maine Section   |
IEEE Vermont Green Mountain Section Thanks to their site, for triggering the idea for sharing war stories of IEEE Ukraine members.
Societies and Chapters
IEEE Specturm
Read on for the "Do-or-Die Moments That Determined the Fate of the Internet", and "A Handful of Demos that Shaped Today’s Networked World".  |
IEEE Robotics:
Catchup on latest Robotics news and videos in IEEE Robotics E-News March 2023. Watch "How to Make on Robotic Video".   |
IEEE Humanitarian Technologies
Keep Abreast of, and feel proud of what they do, and read action stories and news from across the world.  |
IEEE TechEthics Updates
Current Initiatives. As technology continues to advance, so, too, do the ethical issues facing our industry. Led by our team of Global Ambassadors and professional staff, TechEthics serves as a hub for conversations on ethics occurring across IEEE, and a facilitator for broader conversations on the ethical and societal impacts of existing and emerging technologies.
Jim Isaak on "My Experiment with Chat GPT, Generative AI". He reports that used these tools in new Microsoft BING. He made two topical requests for essays and shares what they generated as below.
The Generated Essay for the impact of generative artificial intelligence on the scientific peer review process, with credible citations.
The Generated Essay for how social media is destroying democracy, including examples and citations from credible sources.  |
IEEE Member Advancement Committee Sri Raghavan shares this thanks letter from the committee, and urges others to participate and contribute to this important process. More. He observes that: there were 1000+ applications; lot of very senior accomplished candidates who should have gotten Elevation 10+ years ago. There were significant number of folks (60% +) were from Asia!!
With some from Spain, Italy, Russia, and Australia.
May be qualified IEEE members from U.S.A are shy and/or modest to apply for the elevation that they deserve and long due.
Report on Internship: DEKA Perspective An Event Report from Barbara Bancroft, Vice Chair IEEE NH Section, on event held in January 2023 in SNHU for educating students on Internships.  |
Report on Young Inventors Event An Event Report from Jim Isaak Chair IEEE NH Section, on the event held in March 2023.
Several IEEE members served as Competition Judges. A Brief on Young Inventors Program by Tina White, Director, UNH.  |
Congressional Visit Day 2023 The annual Congressional Visit Day will be held on April 2-3, in-person as well as virtual. IEEE priorities are summarized in the above PDF document. Learn more about CVD here. Henry Axtmayer, our new PACE chair, will attend in person. If you have questions please contact Jim Isaak
.  |
Engaging with Student Chapter IEEE at UNH Our UNH Student Branch Chapter is seeking engage with alumni,
and other interested IEEE members to provide their perspectives on careers,
education and professional experiences.
This is a great way to help our Student members, directly and through our contacts and provide them pathways
to internship and future employments.
IEEE New Hampshire You Tube Channel Visit,Browse,Subscribe to our You Tube channel for current and past Newsletters, the video recordings of Various Webinars/Events, Multi-Media Technology Digests, and Technical Presentations, Video Logs and Artistic Creations of our Members, New England Sections.
Any questions Contact.
IEEE NH Tech Policy Topics Discussion Group and Events Please read the full deatils in the above link.
Please join the
online group where we will be developing and announcing upcoming activities.
STEM Programs and Resources in New Hampshire This is a comprehensive compilation on pre-college STEM programs and resources available within New Hampshire. Please share these widely in your communities, especially with Parents and Teachers. Special Thanks to our Webmaster Alan Schechter.  |
Governance  |
Anouncement and Welcome.
In the March meeting, the Executive Committee approved
Henry Axtmayer, as our new PACE chair;
and Prof. Qiaoyan Yu as our new Education/Pre College chair.  |
IEEE NH 2023 Officers |
Executive Committee Meeting Summaries
from Jim Isaak, IEEE NH Section Chair.
Excomm Summaries
If you are an IEEE member and would like to attend a future meeting, please contact Section Chair
Jim Isaak or Section Secretary
David Casper.
Miscellaneous Corner
Stories of the War in Ukraine Ukraine war continues, sadly, crossing the year mark a few weeks ago. IEEE Institute has been in touch with 400+ IEEE members in Ukraine and collecting their day to day Life Stories even as the live with the war. Read on..
Natures Music Hope you find this short reflection of expanding personal interests as part of professional life. Look forward to seeing yours in a future issue(s)  |
Coming Soon: Earn Goodies Contribute and Participate in Teasers, Puzzles, Surveys, Knowledge-bits and earn goodies, souvenirs etc.
IEEE Puzzlers Join the IEEE Recreational Math and Puzzlers community on Collabratec
for developing and disseminating brain-teasers and puzzles of interest to IEEE members, families and enthusiasts.
Editor's Corner |
This Newsletter is a great opportunity for members and students to contribute articles and/or share blogs from your vantage. I appreciate your Thoughts and Contributions. Sri Raghavan.