IEEE New Hampshire NewsLetter
Aug-Sep 2022
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Meetings & EventsUpUp
Magnetic Tunnel Junctions For Non-Conventional Computing   IEEE Boston, Providence and New Hampshire Reliability Chapters jointly sponsor IEEE NH MTT/AP Societies Sponsors Distinguished Microwave Lecture by Dr. Jeffrey Nanzer on Magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) which represent the most useful devices coming out of spintronics research. Besides serving as the key components for magnetic field sensors and digital magnetic random access memories, magnetic tunnel junctions have recently been studied as building blocks for non-conventional computing, via utilizing their functions of non-linearity, stochasticity, etc.   14 Sep 2022, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon Boston Time Virtual Online Event. Registration Registration required.
Distributed Phased Arrays: Challenges And Recent Progress  IEEE NH MTT/AP Societies Sponsors Distinguished Microwave Lecture by Dr. Jeffrey Nanzer on "Distributed Phased Arrays: Challenges And Recent Progress". This free talk is intended for both general IEEE audience and MTT/AP Society members. All are Welcome.   20 Sep 2022, 6:15 - 7:30 PM Boston Time 128B, College of Engineering, Technology, and Aeronautics (CETA), Manchester NH, SNHU
Wicked Stem Expo   Attend Northern New England Wicked STEM Expo, to educate, inspire and connect the Youth of New England and vast STEM community in the region. IEEE Members appreciate your Volunteering at the booth. Sign Up   24 Sep 2022, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Boston Time The New Hampshire Dome Registration required.
National Grid's Clean Energy Vision   This is a technical presentation hosted by IEEE Baltimore Power and Energy Systems Chapters and sponsored by several IEEE Chapters including IEEE NH. It will discuss National Grid's Clean Energy Visions which rests on four pillars of action: energy efficiency in buildings; a 100% fossil-free gas network; hybrid electric-gas heating systems; and targeted electrification and networked geothermal systems.   28 Sep 2022, 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM Boston Time Virtual Online Event. Registration Registration required.
NHJES Annual Conference   This year NH Joint Engineering Societies Annual Conference returns in Person. Save the Date and await registration link soon. For details contact Michael Bogue.   19 October 2022, 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM Murphy’s Carriage House 393 Route 101 Bedford NH required.
IEEE Conferences and Virtual Events Calendar Browse for Upcoming Conferences, Major events and those available on-demand. Also watch IEEE TV For More..
Member Benefits & Resources
IEEE Competitve Advantage Watch how your IEEE Peers and Colleagues are reaping the benefits of IEEE Membership, notably competitive advantage for successful careers. Subscribe to IEEE Youtube Channel .
Keep Abreast of Member Benefits Use the new Global Benefits Finder to become aware of all your member benfits tailored to your location, career stage and professional profile.
IEEE Computer Society Learning Platform! Visit frequently to keep pace with technologies and trends that are making the biggest impact on the industry and the society. Up
JOBS & CareersUpUp
Nationwide Jobs
Computer Jobs 
Neighboring Sections
IEEE Boston Section Video Archives Watch the growing library of interesting Video presentations by Boston Chapter. Notably watch the videos of our own Paul Carr on "Greener Power for More Electric Vehicles" and "Achieving a Net Zero Carbon Future"
IEEE Boston Boston Reflector September 2022
IEEE Maine Beacon March 2022
Societies and Chapters
IEEE Robotics Read latest Robotics news and videos in IEEE Spectrum September 2022.
IEEE Sight Humanitarian Activities Keep Abreast of, and feel proud of what they do, and read action stories from across the world
IEEE TechEthics Updates Current Initiatives. Watch the Webinar on Responsible Innovation through Technology Steawardship.
Miscellaneous Corner
Cautious Generosity Hope you enjoy this Life/Arts/Humans corner for sharing lighter and joyful moments of life, contributed by our members. Look forward to seeing Yours for the next issue(s)UpUp
IEEE Puzzlers Join the IEEE Puzzlers for developing and disseminating brain-teasers and puzzles related to mathematics and areas of interest to IEEE. UpUp
IEEE WIE Summer Picnic A Brief from Barbara Bancroft, Vice Chair IEEE NH Section, on Women in Engineering and Young Professionals Summer Picnic with Pictures. UpUp
Diversity Promotes Bias-Free Systems  In this special Newsletter article, IEEE Members Jim Isaak and James McKim discuss the role of Diversity as a key underpinning for creating Systems free of various biases. UpUp
Phishing Attacks In this special Newsletter article, IEEE Members Nathan Dinwoodie and Wei Lu, University System of New Hampshire, discuss scenarios and forms of Phishing attacks, and some simple one can take to guard against these attacks, and actions to take in case you are attacked. UpUp
Electric Viehicles: A Disruptive Game Changer?  In this special Newsletter article, Dr. Walter Rawle, Chair, Committee for Transporation and Aerospace Policy, IEEE USA provides salient history of Electric Vehicles, various factors, including U.S. Government actions that has shaped its evolution, guidance for adoption by Consumers. UpUp
Engaging with Student Chapter IEEE at UNH Our UNH Student Branch Chapter is seeking engage with alumni, and other interested IEEE members to provide their perspectives on careers, education and professional experiences. This is a great way to help our Student members, directly and through our contacts and provide them pathways to internship and future employments. UpUp
IEEE New Hampshire You Tube Channel  Visit,Browse,Subscribe to our You Tube channel for current and past Newsletters, the video recordings of Various Webinars/Events, Multi-Media Technology Digests, and Technical Presentations, Video Logs and Artistic Creations of our Members, New England Sections. Any questions Contact. UpUp
IEEE NH Tech Policy Topics Discussion Group and Events Please read the full deatils in the above link. Please join the online group where we will be developing and announcing upcoming activities.
STEM Programs and Resources in New Hampshire This is a comprehensive compilation on pre-college STEM programs and resources available within New Hampshire. Please share these widely in your communities, especially with Parents and Teachers. Special Thanks to our Webmaster Alan Schechter.UpUp
IEEE NH 2022 Officers 
Executive Committee Meeting Summaries from Jim Isaak, IEEE NH Section Chair.
Excomm Summaries
If you are an IEEE member and would like to attend a future meeting, please contact Section Chair Jim Isaak or Section Secretary David Casper.
Editor's Corner
This Newsletter is a great opportunity for members and students to contribute articles and/or share blogs from your vantage. I appreciate your Thoughts and Contributions. Up
Feedback Request from Sri Raghavan, the NewsLetter Editor. Hope these Newsletters are meeting your needs and expectations. Share your Thoughts. UpUp
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