Meetings & Events  |
Webinar - Openreliability Software Tools On R
IEEE Boston, Providence and New Hampshire Reliability Chapters jointly sponsor
IEEE NH MTT/AP Societies Sponsors Distinguished Microwave Lecture by Dr. David Silkworth of
on Reliability Software Tools on R covering
fast paced perusal of published tutorials, the installation of R and library packages and various interesting uses.
14 Dec 2022, 11:00 - 12:00 Noon Boston Time Virtual Online Event. Registration
Registration required.
IEEE Conferences and Virtual Events Calendar Browse for Upcoming Conferences, Major events and those available on-demand. Also watch IEEE TV For More.. |
Member Benefits & Resources
IEEE Competitve Advantage Watch how your IEEE Peers and Colleagues are reaping the benefits of IEEE Membership, notably competitive advantage for successful careers.
Subscribe to
IEEE Youtube Channel .
Keep Abreast of the Member Benefits Use the new Global Benefits Finder to become aware of all your member benfits tailored to your location, career stage and professional profile. |
IEEE Computer Society Learning Platform!
Visit frequently to keep pace with technologies and trends that are making the biggest impact on the industry and the society.
JOBS & Careers  |
Nationwide Jobs
Computer Jobs |
Neighboring Sections
IEEE Boston Section Video Archives Watch the growing library of interesting Video presentations by Boston Chapter. Notably watch the videos of our own Paul Carr on "Greener Power for More Electric Vehicles" and "Achieving a Net Zero Carbon Future"
IEEE Boston
Boston Reflector October 2022 |
IEEE Maine
Beacons 2022 |
Societies and Chapters
IEEE Robotics:
Catchup on latest Robotics news and videos in IEEE Spectrum December 2022. Watch interesting videos on Humanoid Drummer, Humanoid Soccer and Robots learning Human Tricks for not Falling. |
IEEE Sight Humanitarian Activities:
Keep Abreast of, and feel proud of what they do, and read action stories from across the world. In the latest newsletter read about innovative adaptations of Technology, Deliberations and Tradeoffs in Bangla Desh, Nicaragua and India. |
IEEE TechEthics Updates
Current Initiatives. Watch a recent Panel discussion on
the frameworks needed to evaluate the ethical, legal, social, and cultural implications that may arise from increasing deployment of Neurotechnology across a wide range of applications.
Miscellaneous Corner
IEEE Strength is Weak Ties Enjoy this short reflection by Jim Isaak, Chair IEEE NH Section, where he underscores Betty Anderson's
profound observation that Volunteers don't get paid, not because they are worthless but because they are priceless .
Natures Music Hope you find this short reflection of expanding personal interests as part of professional life. Look forward to seeing yours in a future issue(s)  |
Cautious Generosity This item is repeated as we got surprisingly larger postive feedback from the audience. In case you missed it, or would like to have handy reference to read it again, here its. Hope you enjoy this Life/Arts/Humans corner for sharing lighter and joyful moments of life, contributed by our members. Look forward to seeing Yours in a future issue(s)  |
IEEE Puzzlers Join the IEEE Recreational Math and Puzzlers community on Collabratec
for developing and disseminating brain-teasers and puzzles of interest to IEEE members, families and enthusiasts.
IEEE NH YP/WIE Student Connection A Brief from Barbara Bancroft, Vice Chair IEEE NH Section, on
Women in Engineering and Young Professionals Student Connection event held on 2nd November 2022.  |
Dr. Baris Kazar, treasurer for IEEE NH Computer Society, expresses his sincere thanks and
appreciation to IEEE National Computer Society for awarding us the Chapter Grant in support of the 5th Workshop for Women in HW and Systems Security (see the report from Qiaoyan below). On behalf of the IEEE NH and the local CS Chapter I would like to highlight the cordiality, collaboration and dedicated help extended by Kerry Cosby & Eric Berkowitz for getting the grant process completed in a compressed timeframe and, for the smooth flow of funds, while strictly adhering to all the IEEE process rigors.  |
Report on Workshop for Women in Hardware and Systems Security An Activity Report from Professor Qiaoyan Yu , University of Newhampshire on
the IEEE Sponsored and Supported 5th Workshop for Women in Hardware and Systems Security  |
IEEE NH YP/WIE Fall Picnic A Brief from Barbara Bancroft, Vice Chair IEEE NH Section, on
Women in Engineering and Young Professionals Fall Hiking Picnic on 15th October 2022.  |
Engaging with Student Chapter IEEE at UNH Our UNH Student Branch Chapter is seeking engage with alumni,
and other interested IEEE members to provide their perspectives on careers,
education and professional experiences.
This is a great way to help our Student members, directly and through our contacts and provide them pathways
to internship and future employments.
IEEE New Hampshire You Tube Channel Visit,Browse,Subscribe to our You Tube channel for current and past Newsletters, the video recordings of Various Webinars/Events, Multi-Media Technology Digests, and Technical Presentations, Video Logs and Artistic Creations of our Members, New England Sections.
Any questions Contact.
IEEE NH Tech Policy Topics Discussion Group and Events Please read the full deatils in the above link.
Please join the
online group where we will be developing and announcing upcoming activities.
STEM Programs and Resources in New Hampshire This is a comprehensive compilation on pre-college STEM programs and resources available within New Hampshire. Please share these widely in your communities, especially with Parents and Teachers. Special Thanks to our Webmaster Alan Schechter.  |
Governance  |
IEEE NH 2022 Officers |
Executive Committee Meeting Summaries
from Jim Isaak, IEEE NH Section Chair.
Excomm Summaries
If you are an IEEE member and would like to attend a future meeting, please contact Section Chair
Jim Isaak or Section Secretary
David Casper.
Editor's Corner |
This Newsletter is a great opportunity for members and students to contribute articles and/or share blogs from your vantage. I appreciate your Thoughts and Contributions.