VOL 8, NUMBER 1, MARCH 2004 |
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IEEE Bangalore Section Fellow Members,
accept my Greetings. First of all let me
thank the nomination committee chaired by Prof. Rajagopal for suggesting my name for the
chairmanship of the IEEE Bangalore Section. I wish to thank the nomination committee and the
IEEE Bangalore Section on behalf of myself and the executive committee for reposing faith in
Thanks to
the pioneering efforts and guidance by my eminent predecessors and the executive committee
members, IEEE Bangalore Section achieved great heights both in terms of all around
performance (technical, student and membership development) and also receiving various
awards from IEEE including the Best Section Award. It is not the Bangalore Section alone
which has won awards; individuals like Prof. Rajagopal have also been honored individually.
Though IEEE
Bangalore Section may not be largest section in India, but on account of its technical and
professional activities, it is on the forefront not only in India but may be in the whole of
Region 10, commensurate with the reputation of Bangalore city, recognized as IT hub/
technological capital / Silicon Valley of India. I feel privileged to have been chosen as
Chairman of the IEEE Bangalore Section for the year 2004. Along with my fellow executive
committee members, I wish to assure you that we will do our best to take the Bangalore
section to greater heights. I solicit your cooperation and active participation in
this effort.
Any professional
society's strength lies in its members and volunteers. We are fortunate to have large number of
volunteers, who are prepared to rise to the occasion, to do the needful, as and when
occasion arise. We do have an evergreen list of volunteers and advisers which includes Prof.
Tathachar, Prof. Rajagopal, Prof. Jenkins, Mr. Parameshwaran, Prof. Sankaran, Dr. Shridhar
Mitta, Prof. Patnaik and the master of all big events and ceremonies Prof. Khincha, who
had so successfully organized the TENCON-2003, wherein we got only compliments and hardly a single adverse comment. We would like to see many more volunteers, both young
and young up to even 80+ years, to come forword and associate themselves with the section's
Our endeavor will
be to make IEEE Bangalore Section a broad based society with collaborative programme with
other professional bodies having similar objectives and aims. The student activities and
membership development programme will be taken up in an aggressive manner, so that the
Section strength goes up and more technical personnel come into our fold. Technical
lectures, tutorials, interactive programmes with the industries, R&D and academia will
be given priority. Efforts will be made to open more society chapters and student
branches. Symposiums and tutorials will get a larger attention. We will also have more family meets.
To honor our
volunteers we announced last year the IEEE Outstanding Volunteer Award. The same will be
continued and more of such recognitions will be added this year. I assure you that we are open to suggestions and new ideas to enlarge and improve our activities. I welcome volunteers and their suggestions.
Once again
I wish to thank the IEEE Bangalore Section for giving me and Executive Committee-2004, a chance to
serve the IEEE fraternity.
Chairman, IEEE Bangalore