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Student Activities

Student Branch Activities

1.     “IMPULSE  2004”, the first Annual Technical Festival of the VVCE’s IEEE student branch at Mysore was successfully held on 4th and 5th October 2004.  Wg. Cdr. H.R.Parthasarathy and Dr.T.Srinivas represented the section at the function and handed over a cheque for Rs.10,000/- to the college.

2.     “KSHITIJ 2004”, the Annual Technical Festival of Basaveshwara Engineering college IEEE Student Branch was held at Bagalkot on 15th, 16th and 17th October 2004.  Wg.Cdr. H.R.Parthasarathy attended the function and handed over a cheque from the section for Rs.10,000/-.

3.     As a part of their Annual Technical Festival at BEC IEEE Student Branch, Bagalkot, Section arranged a Tutorial on 15th October by eminent speaker Wg.Cdr.H.R.Parthasarathy on “Microwave Link Design”.

4.     Inauguration of the newly approved IEEE Student Branch at Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Bidar was held on 20th November 2004.  Dr.T.Srinivas attended the function and also delivered a talk on “Optical Communications”.  An amount of Rs.5,000/- approved by Section as Seed Money was handed over to the branch.

5.     SJCE IEEE Student Branch organized a “Student Leader Workshop” at Mysore on behalf of the Section, on 19th December.  Section approved Rs.10,000/- as seed money for the same.  Sri A. Raja Rao and Wg.Cdr.H.R.Parthasarathy attended the inaugural function while Mr. K.Ramakrishna attended the valedictory function as Chief Guest.

Other College Activities

1.     On 9th October 2004, Section SAC, Mr. K.Ramakrishna delivered a general talk on ‘IEEE Activities and Benefits’ at Amritanandmayi Institute of Science and Technology, Bangalore to facilitate the opening of a student branch in their college. Petition for opening a student branch was also sent to IEEE HQ on 24.12.2004.

2.     On 22nd October 2004, Section SAC, Mr. K.Ramakrishna delivered a talk on IEEE Benefits and Activities at PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore to facilitate them in opening a student branch.  Dr.T.Srinivas also delivered a talk on “Optical Communications” on that occasion.

3.     IEEE Student Branch, M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore had conducted a one-day Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights”.  Section SAC, Mr. K.Ramakrishna inaugurated the Workshop and delivered the keynote address as Chief Guest.

4.     With the coordination rendered by the Section SAC, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Yelahanka, Bangalore had submitted to IEEE HQ their petition on 27th December 2004 for opening a new IEEE Student Branch.


Professional Activities

Two Tutorials have been conducted during Q4, 2004.

1.      Tutorial on Mobile network design by Wg.cdr.Parthasarthy at Bagalkot (October 2004)

2.      Tutorial on 2G, 2.5G, 3G and introduction to 4G by Sujata Sharma and Charles at Bangalore (December 2004)

IEEE headquarter has given $500 to support this activity.

A special drive has been taken up to include all eligible engineering colleges to IEEE reference list of educational institutions. Data from 65 institutes are being collected and processed, to be sent to IEEE headquarter.