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The 13th Annual Symposium of IEEE Bangalore Section was held during 26-27 Nov 2004 in Golden Jubilee Seminar Hall of ECE Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. The theme of the symposium for this year was Power Systems. There were 90 participants including authors, invited speakers, session chairmen, members of IEEE Bangalore Section Executive Committee and volunteers. The paid registrants were 43 out of which 20 were IEEE members/student members. The participants came from various parts of the country including IITs and NITs and research organizations involved in Power Systems.
Chief Guest Mr. A.K. Tripathy, Section Chair Dr.S.Pal, Prof. A.Selvarajan, Wg. Cdr. Parthasarathy and Dr. T. Srinivas on the dais during the Inaugural Session
Dr. S. Pal, the chairman of IEEE Bangalore Section and the Distinguished Scientist, Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore, inaugurated the symposium. Shri A. K. Tripathy, the Director General of the Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore delivered the plenary talk.
The Symposium was organized in 7 sessions and over 25 papers were presented. There were three invited presentations in all in addition to the plenary lecture by Mr. K. Ramakrishna, Power Grid Corporation of India, Prof. Laurence Jenkins, Indian Institute of Science and Prof. V. Ramnarayanan, Indian Institute of Science. All the contributed papers including student papers were screened by experts before accepting for presentation.
Mr. Ramakrishna, PGCIL, delivering an Invited Lecture
The last two sessions were marked for presentation of student papers – one session for Undergraduate Students and One for Postgraduate Students. Prizes were declared for best paper presentations. In the PG category the best prize went to Ms. N Ramya of Indian Institute of Science. In the UG category the prizes are given in Memory of Prof. BRV. Vardan. First Prize goes to Mr. Abhinav Kalamdani of RV College of Engineering, Bangalore and Mr. Amar Harish and M. Dushyant of VV College of Engineering, Mysore, share the second prize.
Report by Dr. T. Srinivas,
Convener of Annual Symposium,
Technical Activities Chair, IEEE Bangalore Section