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V.V. Srinivasan |
December 2004 |
Joint-Secretary, IEEE Bangalore Section |
Dear Member:
Warm Greetings from the Section for a Happy and Prosperous New Year !
This communication is to inform the slate for the Executive Committee for the year 2005 and also call for the Annual General Body Meeting of the Section at which the Executive Committee and the Office Bearers for the year 2005 will be elected. We solicit your attending the AGM and participation in the election for 2005.
Annual General Body Meeting
The AGM is scheduled to be held on Saturday, 5th February 2005 at Ball Room, Hotel Taj West End, Bangalore at 6.30 PM.
As it has been in the past, your section continues to be active professional body with many significant activities in 2004. New student branches have been opened in many colleges, with new members and students and the membership has increased significantly over this year. You are requested to participate in the 2005 election and get to know your new Execom members, Chairman and Office Bearers.
Members are encouraged to bring their spouse for this AGM and the dinner that follows it. The spouses will definitely enjoy the social interaction at this occasion and the chance to know about our various professional activities.
The section welcomes suggestions to improve the quality and quantum of the professional activities. Kindly make a note of the date and we look forward to your attending and active participation at the AGM.
Dear Member:
The Nominations committee this year with Prof. S.V. Sankaran as Chairman and Dr. Sridhar Mitta and Mr. S. Parameswaran has proposed the following Slate for the Executive Committee (EXECOM) of the IEEE Bangalore Section for the year 2005:
Chairman |
Dr. Surendra Pal |
Vice Chairman |
Prof. A.Selvarajan |
IISc |
Vice Chairman |
K.Ramakrishna |
Secretary |
Dr. A.Pandian |
Wipro |
Treasurer |
Wg.Cdr.Parthasarathy |
Retd. |
Members |
Joint Secretary |
VV Srinivasan |
A. Raja Rao |
Retd |
Hitesh Mehta |
Eagle Photonics |
L. Charles Santhosam |
C-DoT |
Dr. K.J.Vinoy |
IISc |
As per Byelaws the Section nominations of Office Bearers by petition are also welcome. Any such nominations should be duly signed by at least 15 active members and received by me on or before 29th January 2005. Elections will be conducted by due process as applicable at the AGM.
Annual General Body Meeting
The AGM of the Section for the year 2005 will be held on Saturday, 5th February 2005 at Ball Room, Hotel Taj Westend, Bangalore commencing at 6.30 PM.
· Welcome
Minute silence in memory of Tsunami Victims
Minutes of Previous AGM
Presentation of the 2004 Activities Report
· Presentation of the 2004 Financial Report
Reports of Society Chapters and GOLD group
On Student branches
BRV VARDAN Students Paper Prize Awards
Presentation of Fellow Plaque, Elevated Members and
· Election to Executive Committee for 2005
Remarks by New Chairman
Presentation of the new EXECOM
· Any other items
· Vote of Thanks
If you wish to have any item included in the agenda the same may be communication to me on or before 29th January, 2005.
The AGM will be followed by dinner. You are cordially invited to bring your spouse to the AGM and the dinner.
Please make it convenient to attend the AGM. Request you to please confirm your attendance by e-mail or fax to me (indicate ‘with spouse’ if applicable).
Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year !!
Dec 2004 |
V.V. Srinivasan |
Joint-Secretary, IEEE Bangalore Section |
Email: Ph.: 2508 3332 |