VOL 9, NUMBER 2, JUNE 2005 |
Page 3 of 6 |
Technical and Educational Activities
IEEE BLR has initiated a
lecture series called "Frontier Lecture Series" under the Technical
and Educational activities of the Section. The main objective was to bring
up-to-date information on topics of current interest for the benefit of members
as well as professionals at large. Three such talks have been organized so far
in the Golden Jubilee Hall of ECE Dept, Indian Institute of Science. The
details of the talks are as follows.
1. Title: Wireless Networking: The New Frontier
Speaker: Prof. Anurag Kumar, ECE
Department, IISc, Bangalore.
Abstract: In this talk an overview of some
challenges in the emerging and important area of Wireless Networking was
given. A perspective of wireless
networking in relation to the overall field of communication networking was
presented. Some problems in the areas
of wireless LANs, wireless ad hoc Internets and wireless sensor networks were
dealt with.
2. Title: Switched SDH: The Third Generation of SDH Networks
Speaker: Dr. Kumar N. Sivarajan, Chief
Technology Officer, Tejas Networks, B'lore
Abstract: The first generation of SDH/SONET
was developed in the 1990’s and quickly became the mainstay of optical
transmission in service provider networks. The next generation of SDH systems
were standardized in 2002—03 and focused on efficient transport of
data/Ethernet services over first- and second-generation SDH/SONET networks
using techniques such as virtual concatenation (VCAT), Generic Framing
Procedure (GFP) and Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme (LCAS). The third-generation
of SDH systems are evolving today to address the objective of deploying data
services over such arbitrary backbone infrastructures including PDH, SDH and
MPLS, in a seamless fashion. In this
talk issues relating to third-generation SDH systems was dealt with in detail.
3. Title:
Model-Based Design and Testing - Perspectives for Automotive Embedded Systems
Speaker: Dr.Wolfgang Mueller, C-LAB,
Paderborn University, Germany
Abstract: Embedded software in automotive
systems has reached a considerable complexity requiring new methods, languages,
and tools. In this talk a review of the current status of the
Matlab/Simulink-based design flow for automotive software and tools for
Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation was presented.
Next, projects relating to the AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System
Architecture), an initiative for a standard infrastructure and components as
well as the IMMOS (Integrated Methodology for Model Based Development) for model based design and testing were
dealt with. An overview of the Classification Tree Method for Embedded Systems
and corresponding tools from dSPACE and Razorcat were highlighted.
Technical and Educational Activities
1. SJCE, Mysore conducted “Siberia 2005” from 15th to 17th of April. Prof. A. Selvarajan represented the Section in the event
2. UVCE conducted the technical fest on 29th and 30th of April. Prof. LM.Patnaik and K.Ramakrishna attended the inaugural function while Wg.Cdr. H.R. Parthasarathy attended the valedictory function.
3. NIE, Mysore conducted “ANKURA 2005” between 7th and 9th of May 2005. Mr. V.V. Srinivasan represented the Section on 8th May 2005.
4. MIT, Manipal conducted the technical fest called “INTELLECT-2005” on 22nd May 2005. Dr. T. Srinivas represented the Section.
5. SIT Tumkur conducted IDEAS 2005 on 27th May 2005, where 8 sessions of Student Paper contest were conducted. Mr. Ravi Kiran from the section attended the same.