VOL 9, NUMBER 3, September 2005 |
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Dear IEEE Bangalore Section Members,
Greetings for Vijaya Dasami, Deepavali and Id for you and your family members!
In the last quarter IEEE Bangalore section has done significant work. A symposium was organized by the CMPT chapter while many student Branches conducted their annual fest and various activities by holding seminars, symposiums and Technical Paper competitions. SIT Tumkur arranged Leadership Workshop which was attended by me, Prof. K. Rajagopal, K. Ramakrishna, Wg. Cdr. Parthasarathy, A. Ravi Kiran and V.V. Srinivasan. The leadership Workshop was a great success and showed potential for the upcoming leaders to organize such events. The participants at the Workshop were addressed by working professionals as well as professionals providing leadership training. The last quarter of 2005 is going to be much more active with our Annual Symposium taking place in the last week of November. IEEE will also cosponsor International Radar Symposium being organized in Bangalore. Prof. A.Selvarajan has started Frontier Lecture Series, where eminent working professionals address the gatherings. Many new student Branches have been approved by IEEE Head Quarters. Power Society Chapter has also been approved by Head Quarters. All the members of the student branches and Power System Society officials need congratulations for their efforts. I am sure the IEEE fraternity will increase in leaps and bounds in coming years.
With Best Wishes,
Chairman, IEEE Bangalore Section