VOL 9, NUMBER 3, September 2005


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IEEE Bangalore Section in association with Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur, organized the IEEE Student Leadership Workshop on the 9th and 10th of September, 2005 at the SIT college campus.

Day 1: 09/09/2005

The day started off with Registration at 1000 Hrs. The inaugural function of the workshop started at 1200 Hrs. The inaugural function was presided over by Dr. Channabasappa MN., the principal, SIT, Tumkur. Mr. Ramakrishna K, Vice-Chair and Student Activities Chair, IEEE Bangalore section, was the Chief Guest for the event. The event was also graced by the presence of Wng. Cmdr. Parthasarathy, the Treasurer, IEEE Bangalore Section, Dr. Srinivas T., Senior IEEE member, IISc, Bangalore and Prof. Basavarajaiah, Branch Counselor and Prof. Mahalingesh TC., Staff Advisor, SIT IEEE Branch. Around 40 student members from various IEEE branches took part in the event.

The inaugural function was followed by a Seminar by the Bangalore Section. In the seminar, speaking first, Mr. Ramakrishna addressed the gathering and spoke about the benefits of joining IEEE. He also spoke, in brief, about the duties and responsibilities of the Execom members of the student branches. This was followed by a talk by Wng. Cmdr. Parthasarathy, who spoke in specific about the responsibilities of Branch treasurers. He also shared his experience and gave valuable tips on maintaining the IEEE accounts of student branches. Speaking next, Dr. T. Srinivas gave tips to the participating members about membership promotion. He also spoke about various societies under IEEE and benefits of joining them.   

The afternoon session was a highly interactive session. The students from each participating college gave a presentation for about 10 mins. Each presentation contained the report of activities of the previous year and the plan of activities for the next year. Typical problems faced in each of the student branches were discussed and solutions to the same were formulated. The session was greatly helpful to each of the student branches as it provided a perfect platform for them to portray their branch activities, plans and problems in front of other branches and the section. The team from the Bangalore section found plausible solutions to almost all the problems put forth by the branches.

The evening session was intended to bring the participating student members much closer to one another. To accomplish this, a short trip was organized to Sri Siddaganga Mutt, about 5 km away from Tumkur. The trip was successful in its attempt to familiarize people with one another as every member enjoyed every moment of the trip.

The last part of the day was dedicated to bring out the hidden talents in the participating members. A cultural event was organized in which ‘Resonance Cascade’ - a vocal band performed. The event also saw performances from various participating student members. They then ended the day having gained a lot both in terms of knowledge and new acquaintances.

Participants of the Student Leadership Workshop with the members of EXECOM, IEEE Bangalore Section

Day 2: 10/09/2005

Day two began with the students assembling for the first session of the day. This session conducted by Mr. Bhaskar Dutta Sharma, covered topics like Stress Management, Communication Skills, Leadership Qualities and Team Management skills. The participants gained valuable insights into concepts like Group Dynamics and Motivating team members.

The afternoon session saw three eminent personalities from IEEE Bangalore section share their expertise with the participating members. Dr. Surendra Pal, Chair, IEEE Bangalore Section, Prof. Raj Gopal K., Ex-Chair, IEEE Bangalore Section and Mr. Srinivasan VV., Secretary, IEEE Bangalore Section took part in the event. Prof. Raj Gopal held an interaction session with the participating members. He spoke about the activities of the Bangalore Section. Speaking next, Mr. Srinivasan VV. briefed the members about the duties and responsibilities of Secretaries of student branches. Dr. Pal gave a technical lecture on ‘Indian Space Program’. The workshop ended with the Valedictory function in which Dr. Pal gave away the participation certificates to the student members.