
2013-5-24, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "Secure Network Performance for Large-Scale Wireless Ad Hoc Networks" , Prof. Yuguang ¡°Michael¡± Fang, Fellow of IEEE, Editor-in -Chief of IEEE Trans. On VT, University of Florida, USA

2013-4-16, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "Distributed Mobility Management for Mobile Internet", Prof. H. Anthony Chan, Fellow of IEEE, Senior researcher, Huawei Technologies


2012-11-12, IEEE ComSoc webinar lecture, "How much energy can be traded off by how long delay in GREEN communications", Prof. Zhisheng Niu, Fellow of IEEE and IEICE, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2012-8-15, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "Ad-hoc Sensor and Mesh Networks: Recent Trends and Future directions", Dr. Nei Kato, Prof. of Tohoku University, Vice Chair of IEEE Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks Technical Committee, the Chair of IEEE ComSoc Sendai Chapter

2012-8-15, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "How Should Cross-layer Design Be Done for Wireless Networks?", Prof. Yuguang ¡°Michael¡± Fang, Fellow of IEEE, Editor-in -Chief of IEEE Trans. On VT, University of Florida, USA

2012-7-27, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "The Emerging Paradigm of Femtocells", Dr. Mischa Dohler, Editor in Chief ETT£¬CTTC, Spain

2012-7-24, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "Enriching the Wireless Landscape Massive MIMOs, Heterogeneous Networks and All That", Prof. Lajos Hanzo£¬Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of IEEE and IET, Fellow of EURASIP, University of Southampton, UK


2011-10-17, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "Cooperative Networking - A Cross-Layer Protocol Design Perspective", Prof. Zhuang Weihua, Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of IEEE, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Trans. On Vehicular Technology, University of Waterloo, Canada.

2011-07-20, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Speaker Program, "Globally Optimal Linear Precoders for Finite Alphabet Signals Over Complex Vector Gaussian Channels", Prof. Chengshan Xiao, Fellow of IEEE, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.

2011-06-13, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, "Wireless Propagation in Car-to-Car Communications Systems", Prof. Andreas F. Molisch, IEEE/IEE Fellow, University of Southern California, USA.

2011-05-31, Invited talk, "Developments of Low-Density Parity-Check Code Over Last Fifteen Years", Prof. Shu Lin, IEEE Life Fellow, University of California, Davis, USA.

2011-04-25, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Speaker Program, "Green Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenge", Prof. Vijay K. Bhargava, University of British Columbia, Canada, Fellow of IEEE, the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering and the Engineering Institute of Canada President-Elect, IEEE Communications Society.

2011-04-22, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Speaker Program, "Utility Maximization for P2P Applications and Its Application in Optimizing Multi-party Conferencing", Dr. Jin Li, Microsoft Research Redmond.


2010-12-28, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “How to Publish Research Work at the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications”, Prof. Chengshan Xiao, Fellow of IEEE, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA.

2010-08-24, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Voice Capacity Analysis in Cognitive Radio Networks”, Prof. Zhuang Weihua, Fellow of IEEE, University of Waterloo, Canada.

2010-06-23, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Beyond Listen-Before-Talk: Access Control of Cognitive Radio Networks based on Primary Data Link Information”, Prof. Zhi Ding, Fellow of IEEE, University of California, Davis, USA.

2010-03-04, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Network information theory, code designs, and applications”, Prof. Zixiang Xiong, Fellow of IEEE, Texas A&M University, USA.

2010-01-21, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Network Coding Principles and Its Applications in Wireless Protocols”, Prof. Branka Vucetic, Fellow of IEEE, Sydney University, Australia.


2009-10-22, Short course, “A Crash-Course on Cooperative Wireless Networks”, Dr. Mischa Dohler, Senior Researcher, CTTC, Spain.

2009-07-20 ~ 2009-07-25, Summer School Lectures, Prof. Lieliang Yang, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

2009-07-20, SC-FDMA, Linear transmitter preprocessing based on limited feedback

2009-07-21, 2009-07-22: Channel capacity in wireless communications

2009-07-23, Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems: Capacity

2009-07-24, Signal detection in wireless sensor networks (WSNs)

2009-07-25, Cognitive radios (CR)

2009-06-12, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Dirty-paper coding: What it is all about”, Prof. Zixiang Xiong, Fellow of IEEE, Texas A&M University, USA.

2009-05-19, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Distributed MIMO Systems and Base Station Cooperation”, Fellow of IEEE and IET, University of Southern California, USA.

2009-03-18, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Cross-Layer Optimization for Spectrum and Energy Efficient Wireless Networks”, Prof. Geoffrey Li, IEEE Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.


2008-12-17, Invited talk, “Research Directions in Wireless Communications”, Prof. B. Vucetic, IEEE Fellow, School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia.

2008-12-10, Invited talk, “Space-time diversity”, Prof. Lieliang Yang, School of ECS, University of Southampton, UK.

2008-11-19, Invited talk, “Progress in wideband mobile communications”, Dr. Fan Mingxi, Director of Engineering Research and Business Develop, Qualcomm Wireless Communication Technologies (China) Limited.

2008-05-23, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Adaptive modulation assisted HSDPA-style cross-layer optimized MIMO-aided intelligent networking”, Prof. Lajos Hanzo, IEEE/IEE Fellow, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, University of Southampton, UK.

2008-05-23, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “Cross-layer design for collaborative wireless Ad-hoc networks”, Prof. Andreas F. Molisch, IEEE/IEE Fellow, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, MA, USA and Lund University, Sweden.

2008-05-23, IEEE ComSoc Distinguished lecture, “MIMO mobile-to-mobile channel modeling, analysis, simulation and measurements”, Prof. Gordon L. Stuber, IEEE Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

2008-05-22, Tutorial, “Overview on signal processing issues in cognitive radio”, Prof. Geoffrey Li, IEEE Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

2008-05-16, Invited talk, “Overview of the Fixed Sphere Decoder for MIMO Systems”, Prof. John Thompson from University of Edinburgh, UK.