Joint Control Systems Society and Instrumentation & Measurement Society Chapter IEEE Kolkata Section, India |
Joint IEEE CSS-IMS Chapter, Kolkata, India |
The geographical area under the jurisdiction of IEEE Kolkata Section has several active groups in both the areas of Control Systems and Instrumentation and Measurement. In engineering domain and in industrial applications, Control and Instrumentation are very much interrelated and interweaved activities which motivated us to form this joint chapter. Several of these group members are IEEE members and some of them regularly publish in IEEE Transactions in the areas of Control and Instrumentation and Measurement. It had been a long standing wish of these members to form a joint IEEE CSS-IMS chapter and come together under the joint umbrella of IEEE CSS and IEEE IMS. Eventually, the joint IEEE Control Systems Society and Instrumentation & Measurement Society Chapter, IEEE Kolkata Section was formed in 2014. This chapter provides and will continue to provide a platform for regular, close knit interactions among academicians, researchers, and practicing engineers.
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