Women in Engineering
Affinity Group
Kharagpur Section

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50 Years of R10 Celebration
November 04, 2016

IEEE Women in Engineering Kharagpur Section, India organized a two and a half hour event to celebrate 50 years of R10 on Friday, 04 November 2016. The program started with the welcome speech by Sabita Langkam, 2016 Chair, IEEE WIE Kharagpur Section followed by an insightful Talk by Prof. N K Kishore, 2007 Chair, IEEE Kharagpur Section and an interesting speech by Dr. Alok Kanti Deb, 2016 Chair, IEEE Kharagpur Section wherein he pointed out many intriguing facts about IEEE and its activities. Secretary. Sireesha Tamada, 2016 Secretary, IEEE WIE Kharagpur Section read out the history of our WIE Affinity Group. Sayani Modal, 2016 Vice-Chair, IEEE WIE Kharagpur Section prepared a beautiful activity video showcasing the activities done by our Affinity Group. Our founding Chair (2010-2012) Dr. Rusha Patra sent a sweet message to us which was read out in the event. 2014 Chair, Rajlaxmi Chouhan sent a video message to us which was shown during the event. Praful P. Pai, 2014 Chair, IEEE Student Branch, Kharagpur Section presented beautiful slides on the history of SB Kharagpur Section. A cake cutting ceremony was held followed by an interesting round of quiz questions. All in all the event was wonderful and successful. A heart-warming video message from R10 WIE coordinator Dr. Celia Shahnaz brightened and lightened up the event.


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WIE KGP: Executive Committee  /
Chair: Sabita Langkam  /
Vice Chair: Sayani Mondal  /
Secretary: Sireesha Tamada /
Assistant Secretary: Pallavi Mishra /
Treasurer: Srijoni Majumdar  /