Women in Engineering
Affinity Group
Kharagpur Section

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August 19, 2012

IEEE WIE Affinity Group in association with IEEE EMB Club and IEEE Student Branch of IIT Kharagpur organized a one-day Tree Plantation Camp in the campus of IIT Kharagpur. About 250 trees were planted comprising of different species. The plant site was a part of the Vikram Sarabhai Residential Complex (VSRC) and both sides of the main road surrounding VSRC, inside the campus. Participation of various student volunteers from IEEE Kharagpur Section along with the support of people staying in the residential complex and their enthusiasm made the activity a delight.

Environmental plantations are extremely important to maintain the ecological balance and existence of life. Trees are one of the most effective solutions to the increasing carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere, soil erosion, noise pollution, storm water runoff, etc. They act as windbreaks and regulate the green house gases, in this era of industrialization and global warming. Tree plantations have thus become a necessary part to sustain healthy life by promoting forest regeneration and environmental restoration. Besides, a few medicinal trees have been chosen for the benefit of the human community.

Work plan:
Plantation is carried out at the onset of Monsoons, for most species in most areas. It is advisable to start plantation immediately after a good shower and when the ground is well moistened to the depth of planting. We suggest planting those trees which absorb pollution, give shade during summers, are strong and easy to grow and are native to the environment. This activity will also result a beautiful green campus. The trees are planted along the boundary of the residential complex as well as on the both sides of the main road inside the campus. After plantation of the saplings, they were watered by us. The residents and IEEE volunteers helped us to make the event a big success. The event started from morning 9 am and continued till 1pm. All the participants were given refreshments and 20 minutes break in between. The gardeners of the residential complex also helped us to dig the soil.

Trees Description:
About 250 trees were planted which were of different species. The names of the trees are listed as: Eucalyptus, Ashok, Neem, Teak, Shishu, Jamun, Peepal, Arjun.

The keen interest and the positive response of the residents have helped them become aware conserving nature. As we analyze they are eager to work in similar type of the activities in future.

Supervision and follow up:
The respective administrative personnel have been informed to take care of the plants like watering, fencing and so on. Arrangements have been done to do the same.

Future plan:
We are eager to plan similar activities in future as well. We are also planning to do waste management project in the campus which will keep the campus clean as well as will give compost for the plants.


If you have any query or suggestion regarding our events and activities,
please mail us at:

WIE KGP: Executive Committee  /
Chair: Tanwi Mallick  /
Vice Chair: Sabita Langkam  /
Secretary: Noor E Karishma Shaik  /
Treasurer: Sayani Mondal  /