Induction Dinner 2009 - by Pradeep Anasuri
On May 11 2009 the IEEE New Zealand North section GOLD held its first event of the year: a GOLD induction dinner. Invited were both current GOLD members and guests interested in becoming members. The group holds regular events throughout the year including site visits to the Auckland Sky Tower, Lion Nathan Brewery and the Auckland Traffic Control Centre as well as workshops on topics such as time management, leadership and career development. A list of past events can be found at
GOLD members and potential members at the induction dinner.
This year the focus will be geared towards social events where members can network with one another and with distinguished guests from relevant fields. This GOLD affinity group exists to help students make the move from an academic environment to a professional one. It aims to aid members' professional development by offering training in leadership and time management and providing mentoring. Finally, it seeks to provide mechanisms for graduates to network with people of similar ages from a wide variety of career paths.