IEEE Student Thesis Prize
Student Thesis Prizes administered by IEEE
Queensland Section
The IEEE Queensland Section administers two thesis
prizes for undergraduate students in Queensland
universities: the IEEE Student Thesis Prize and the
ICPADM-Mat Darveniza IEEE Student Prize. The former
is open to students in all fields of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technology, while the
latter is restricted to thesis topics in the field
of Power Engineering.
Rules for the IEEE Student Prize for the Best Final Year Undergraduate Thesis in All Fields of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
These rules are applicable to:
1. Prize Description
(a) Special certificate endorsed by the chairman of the IEEE Queensland Section (b) Cheque for $500.00
2. Eligibility Criteria
(a) Candidates must hold current IEEE student
(b) Thesis must be submitted in the final year of study.
(c) For the ICPADM-Mat Darveniza IEEE Student
Prize, the thesis must be adjudged to be in the
field of Power Engineering.
3. Candidate Nominations
Nominations for the above prize will be accepted from the following universities
(one per university):
(a) Central Queensland University
(b) Griffith University
(c) Queensland University of Technology
(d) University of Queensland
(e) University of Southern Queensland
The important dates of this year's thesis prize
selection / award are
Student Counsellor
of each university collects thesis from 1 Nov 08 –
11 Nov 2008;
Student Counsellor
of each university sends recommendation (one for
general prize and one for power engineering prize
from each university) to the thesis prize selection
committee by Tuesday 14 Nov 2008;
- Thesis prize committee members
evaluate the selected thesis and finalise the
winners. Prize winners to be notified by Friday 28
Nov 2008.
Prizes to be awarded during the section AGM on Thursday
4 Dec 2008
4. Selection Process
The prize winner will be selected by the prize committee comprising:
(a) Chair of the IEEE Queensland Section
(b) Secretary of the IEEE Queensland Section
(c) Student Activities Coordinator of the IEEE Queensland Section
The selection criteria are described here.
5. Prize Information
Information about the prize will be distributed by means of the IEEE
newsletter, the IEEE university Student Branch Counsellors, and the IEEE
Queensland Section web page.