IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology
Society (EMBS) is the world's largest
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You are invited to the next meeting of the Atlanta Chapter of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
This will be a joint meeting with the Atlanta Chapter of the IEEE Signal
Processing Society.
- Title: Input Intelligence on Mobile Devices
- Speaker: Dr. Jerome R. Bellegarda, Apple Distinguished Scientist in
Intelligent System Experience, Apple, Inc.
- Date: Wednesday, May 4, 2022
- Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm Eastern
- Location: Virtual (see registration for details)
- RSVP: Register via IEEE
vtools (IEEE Membership not required)
- Abstract: Over the past decade, the confluence of sophisticated algorithms
and tools, computational infrastructure, and data science has fueled a machine
learning revolution across multiple fields, including speech and handwriting
recognition, natural language processing, computer vision, social network
filtering, and machine translation. Ensuing advances are changing the way we
interact with technology in our daily lives. This is particularly salient when
it comes to user input on mobile devices, be it speech, handwriting, touch,
keyboard, or camera input. Increased input intelligence boosts device
responsiveness across languages, improving not only basic abilities like
tokenization, named entity recognition and part-of-speech tagging, but also
more advanced capabilities like statistical language modeling and question
answering. In this talk, I will give selected examples of what we are doing at
Apple to impart input intelligence to mobile devices, with two overarching
themes as sub-text: (i) enhancing interaction experience through machine
learning, and (ii) transforming users' digital lives without sacrificing their
- Bio: Dr. Jerome R. Bellegarda (M'87-SM'92-F'03) is Apple Distinguished
Scientist in Intelligent System Experience at Apple Inc., Cupertino,
California, which he joined in 1994. He received the Ph.D. degree in
Electrical Engineering from the University of Rochester, Rochester, New York,
in 1987. Among his diverse contributions to speech and language advances over
the years, he pioneered the use of tied mixtures in acoustic modeling and
latent semantics in language modeling. In addition, he was instrumental to the
due diligence process leading to Apple's acquisition of Siri personal assistant
technology and its integration into the Apple ecosystem. His general interests
span machine learning applications, statistical modeling algorithms, natural
language processing, man-machine communication, multiple input/output
modalities, and multimedia knowledge management. In these areas he has written
close to 200 publications, and holds over 100 U.S. and foreign patents. He has
worked as Expert Advisor on speech and language technologies for both the U.S.
National Science Foundation and the European Commission, served on the IEEE
Signal Processing Society (SPS) Speech Technical Committee, was Associate
Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, and
is currently an Editorial Board member for Speech Communication. He is a
Fellow of both IEEE and ISCA (International Speech Communication Association).
- Chair: Adriane Swalm Durey, Ph.D.
Principal Engineer, Software,
- Vice-Chair: Erik Moore
Technical Fellow, Avanos Medical
- Secretary: Philip FitzSimons, Ph.D.
FitzSimons Automation
- Treasurer: Jacqueline Fairley, Ph.D.
Georgia Tech Research
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