Central Georgia Section of IEEE
Central Georgia IEEE Section 2006 Meeting History
Section News
The IEEE Southeastern Conference was 22-25 March 2007, in Richmond VA.
Details are at IEEE SoutheastCon 2007.
Chair Rick Noel, Chair Emeritus Curtis Lee, and Director Adam Wofford from our section attended the conference.
We look forward to hearing about the Mercer robot team's competition.
The previous IEEE Southeastern Conference (back in April of 2006) was in Memphis TN.
Our Chairman, Curtis Lee, attended. The link to that Southeastcon is IEEE Southeastcon 2006.
Curtis also attended the Sections Congress and Region 3 meeting in Tampa (back in October of 2005).
Our local groups' goal is to establish one or more special interest societies.
Also, we would like to encourage members to upgrade their membership to “Senior Member" status.
There is no cost to do this but there is a process and requirements which can be found at this IEEE web site: Senior Member.
Sites that offer employment help to IEEE members include
IEEE jobs andGeorgia Section jobs.