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IEEE Orlando Section Monthly
SCOOP, March 2004
Published for IEEE Section Chairs
Vicki Waldman, Editor; Tracy Hawkins, Manager Section/Chapter Support
IEEE To Expand Email Alias Service - UCE Filtering
The IEEE Email Alias Service now includes a new optional feature to help IEEE members manage the amount of unsolicited commercial email (UCE), or spam, they receive. The service is offered free-of-charge to all IEEE Email Alias users. To opt-in to this new service please visit the IEEE Web site at
Although no tool could ever completely eliminate spam all together, this application can help dramatically reduce it.
Members who elect to take advantage of this new service will have the option of either tagging or blocking possible unsolicited commercial email.
The tagging option - Tag email messages that the service considers spam. With this option, the recipient will receive messages, but the prefix "***[Possible UCE]***" will be included in the subject line for easy identification. Recipients can then either delete the messages or use the filtering capabilities of their email software.
Since not everyone agrees on what constitutes UCE, the tagging option ensures that what someone might consider legitimate email will not be blocked.
The blocking option - Block email messages that the service considers spam. With this option, the recipient will not receive the messages at all. As a result the sender will receive a mail bounce error indicating that the recipient did not receive the intended message.
To opt-in to this new service please visit the IEEE Web site at
Please forward any questions/comments to "". Your input and participation is appreciated.
Does your Section communicate with adjoining Sections? With few exceptions, most IEEE Sections are direct neighbors with other Sections. Some, such as the Broward, Palm Beach and Miami Sections in Florida, partner to hold joint meetings, particularly if the meeting is going to be in a location that is convenient to members of another Section. We'd like
to know how many other Sections communicate with their neighbors, or if they do not. We would appreciate it if you would take a few moments to complete a poll on the Section Chapter Volunteer Forum Virtual Community at
If you are not already a member of the Section Chapter Volunteer Forum virtual community, please sign up! In addition to the poll, you can join in a discussion on the topic and find other subjects of interest to Section, Chapter and Affinity Group Chairs.
The IEEE Exhibits Market Program is designed to create a venue to recruit and renew IEEE members, to sell products like books and conference proceedings, and to move towards the IEEE goal of "doing business electronically."
Another aspect of the program, the IEEE Partnering Display Program, is designed to support conferences efforts and member recruitment. Organizers design their own displays and are provided with items such as IEEE brochures, membership applications, flyers, magazines, and Wiley-IEEE Press and/or IEEE Standards books or CDs, if requested.
Individuals who join the IEEE at any of these shows receive a free IEEE Society Membership for that year, as well as a promotional gift. The Exhibits Program also offers a special incentive gift to all volunteers who organize meetings for the Partnering Display Program.
In 2004, the Sales & Marketing Exhibits Program will again attend more than 25 conferences. You can find the Exhibits Program 2004 schedule at: For more information, contact Beverly Banks at
What volunteers need: "a reasonable deadline for completing the task*." It is important to set a specific due date, or end date, when assigning a job to a volunteer. This allows the individual to prioritize volunteer work with family and job commitments. It also lets them know that the job will
eventually end.
The deadline should be confirmed in writing at the time you confirm the volunteer's commitment (email confirmation is fine). Follow up with the volunteer on progress and let them know they should contact you as soon as possible if they cannot complete the task.
Section "tried and true solution": the IEEE Broward (Florida) Section officers noticed that many people do not want to volunteer for anything that involves a lengthy time commitment (6 months ? 1 year). So the officers decided to try a different approach and have had success in asking
people to volunteer to take on short-term duties, for example, planning just one meeting. This allows the Section officers to take care of only administrative tasks and helps avoid burnout for long time volunteers.
(*from "Volunteers: How to Get Them, How to Keep Them" by Helen Little; page 44, Panacea Press, Inc. Naperville IL., 1999)
The Regional Activities Board (RAB) Nominations and Appointments Committee is currently soliciting recommendations for the following positions in 2005:
* RAB Chair/VP-RA
* RAB Treasurer
* RAB Vice Chair, Member Activities
* RAB Vice Chair, Region, Section and Chapter Activities
* RAB Vice Chair, Strategic Planning
* RAB Vice Chair, Student Activities
The deadline for submitting nominations is 1 May 2004 for 2005 RAB Chair and 15 June 2004 for all other RAB Assembly elected positions
The individuals elected to these positions will serve on the 2005 Regional Activities Board. RAB is responsible for serving the needs of the members of the IEEE by maintaining, enhancing & supporting the geographical units of the IEEE.
Additionally, the RAB N&A Committee is seeking candidates who are interested in serving on RAB Committees in 2005. Please visit the RA web page ( for additional information on the duties/responsibilities of the positions stated above and the various RAB Committees. Send nominations to the RAB Nominations & Appointments
Committee Chair, Maurice Papo, via email to
The Web site for the IEEE Standards Information Network offers information on the publishing operation's titles as well as the opportunity to sign up for peer reviews and submit book proposals. IEEE Standards Information Network publishes leading-edge guides, handbooks, tutorials, and other materials that enhance the understanding and implementation of standards.
Visit online:
A new section of the IEEE Web site provides visitors with thorough, definitive information on IEEE online collections and other subscription options to access IEEE online technical documents. The new IEEE Publications Online information site is located at
This online resource provides comprehensive information on IEEE publications, product features, and subscription options for libraries, members and individuals. The site also helps users understand the multiple subscription options offered by IEEE, and provides pricing details, licensing information, key contacts, support services, training options and other important details related to IEEE online resources.


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Modified Mar 31st, 2004