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IEEE Orlando Section Monthly
SCOOP, January 2004
Published for IEEE Section Chairs
Vicki Waldman, Editor; Tracy Hawkins, Manager Section/Chapter Support
Does your Section or Chapter organize an annual conference? If yes, have you considered participating in the IEEE Conference Proceeding Program?
Conference Proceedings is the publication of papers presented at the Conference. The IEEE Conference Publication Program purchases proceedings from meetings in which an IEEE OU (Society/Council, Chapter, Region, Section and/or Board) is involved. (The level of involvement need not be financial; cooperation and technical co-sponsorship are also acceptable
conditions for inclusion in the Conference Publication Program.)
The Conference Publication Program handles post-conference sales of these proceedings through its Order Plans (subscription packages) and Single Sales programs. By assuming this function, the Conference Publication Program assures wide distribution of conference proceedings and it permits conferences to close their financial records soon after the conference is held.
Participation in the Conference Publication Program adds further value by providing abstracting and indexing of all individual conference papers for inclusion in worldwide databases, thus assuring full recognition of the material presented in these conferences. Furthermore, centralized marketing and sales of IEEE conference proceedings is a direct service to IEEE members as well as to nonmembers. Conference organizers who would like to
participate in this program must submit the IEEE Conference Publication Form (
If you have participated in the Conference Proceeding Program, are you familiar with the new electronic submission requirements for conference proceedings? Are you aware of IEEE policies regarding the preparation of conference proceedings? Do you know how your conference proceedings are included in IEEE Xplore(R)? The new Online Resource Center for Conference
Publication Organizers will help you with these and other issues related to conference proceedings publishing.
Information on this site is organized into three categories, each
representing one of the three major constituent groups with which
conference organizers interact: authors, production vendors and the IEEE. An FAQ section is also available, as well as contact information if you have any further questions. The site is available at and can also be accessed via the Conference Organizers page
What volunteers need: "A good reason for doing the task." * A task is more likely to be completed and on time when your volunteers know that their contribution is important and that others are counting on them. So let them know the importance of what they are doing and how the job fits into the Section's goals and organization. And be sure to let them know that they were selected because they are the best people for the job!
IEEE best practice: in Region 10, if a member complains about the way the Section is being run, that person is invited to take on a volunteer position. They are informed that someone like them, who is observant and has ideas for improvement, is needed to help the Section.
(*from "Volunteers: How to Get Them, How to Keep Them" by Helen Little;
page 37, Panacea Press, Inc. Naperville IL., 1999)
Is your Section looking for a pre-college activity? The annual IEE Faraday Lecture is designed for 14-16 year-old students. The subject for the 2004 Faraday Lecture will be "SOUND FX - Making Music with Technology." The Lecture will explore the use of technology in music making, both live and when recording. This year's event will be held on 4 February 2004. For more
information go to
Six new IEEE Sections were formed in 2003. In February, in Region 8, two new Sections were formed: the Russia (Northwest) Section, in the St. Petersburg area, and the Russia (Siberia) Section. The original Russia Section continues to serve IEEE members in Moscow and other areas of Russia. In June, in Region 10, the Tainan Section was formed, joining the Taipei Section on Taiwan. November saw the elevation of the Puebla Subsection to Section status in Region 9 and the addition of the Macau and
Sri Lanka Sections in Region 10. Congratulations to the members in these new Sections and kudos to the volunteers whose efforts have made these active IEEE Sections.
Five IEEE Sections (our "old friends") will be celebrating their
centennials this year. They are
  • Atlanta, 14 Jan 1904
  • Baltimore, 16 Dec 1904
  • Berkshire, 25 Mar 1904
  • San Francisco, 23 Dec 1904
  • Seattle, 19 Jan 1904
Try saving some real money for the Company. Use your cell phone when making "in country" calls from your hotel room. Even if you don't have available "free minutes", the cost per minute will be a fraction of what the hotel charges! Also, when traveling outside your country of origin, stop and buy a phone card at the airport, hotel or convenient vending machine. As an example, a "EuroExtra" Phone card issued in Germany allows calls to the United States, Canada and the rest of Europe for 2.5 cents per
minute. This is less than 1% the typical (3 Euros/min) hotel phone rate.


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Modified Jan 30, 2004