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CALL FOR SECTIONS CONGRESS 2005 SPEAKERS The Sections Congress 2005 Program Committee is still accepting nominations for session speakers. SC 2005 will be held 14-17 October 2005 at the Tampa Marriott Waterside, Tampa, Florida, USA. The theme of the event is "Promoting a World-Class Volunteer Community". The three program tracks are: Membership; Section Operations; and Relationships. The Relationships track is entirely new for 2005, and will address the relationships between IEEE Sections and internal and external organizations and the community. To nominate a speaker, visit https://www.ieee.org/sc2005 and click on "Nominate a Speaker". Each submission allows for three speaker nominations. If you'd like to submit more speaker nominations, please submit another form. The deadline for submitting speaker nominations is 15 September 2004. Please note that sponsors or funding support should also be identified at the time the speaker is nominated. If no funding support is immediately identifiable for a particular speaker, the nomination may still be submitted, as sponsorship may be identified at a later time. Session descriptions can be viewed at https://www.ieee.org/sc2005 by clicking on the link for "Session descriptions." If you have any questions, please email sc-coordinator@ieee.org. Thank you in advance for your assistance in making the Sections Congress 2005 Program a success..
IEEE STUDENT GRADE ELEVATION NEWS IEEE elevates graduating Student members every year at end of July, and again at the end of August. Depending on the information available on the students' membership records about their school and educational program, a student may be elevated to full IEEE Member grade or to Associate grade. As of July 2004, 10,596 students were elevated to Member, while 1,758 were elevated to Associate. Included in this elevation number this year, the eight (8) year limit on student membership was implemented, as directed by the IEEE Board of Directors with an additional 604 students elevated to higher grade. September would be a great time to plan a welcome event in your Section for these students. Involving young members in your Section activities and programs is key to getting them actively involved after graduation. Why not start today? Members in your Section who feel they are incorrectly designated as an Associate can complete an Associate to Member Elevation Application online at: https://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/memelv.htm. Alternatively, as a Section volunteer, you can complete a form online for the members in your Section at: https://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/section_req_elevation.html. For more information about membership grades, go to https://www.ieee.org and select "Membership," then "Understanding Membership," from the left sidebar.
EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ENGINEERS PROJECT The IEEE was invited to participate in an ambitious educational initiative to inspire more young women to choose, and remain in, engineering. The project titled Extraordinary Women Engineers Project, is an effort led by a coalition of engineering societies with support from engineering-related organizations, corporations, universities and educational organizations, and has various components including plans for a television documentary. At this time, the IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) and the IEEE Educational Activities will represent the IEEE and participate in the project. To find out more about all the components of the project, please visit https://www.engineeringwomen.org/index.cfm. We need your help with the first phase of the project Engineering Women: Extraordinary Stories of How They Changed Our World, a book about remarkable women engineers ranging from Emily Roebling to the Ford "Windstar Moms". The large-format, hardcover book with full-color photos will profile approximately 150 women engineers, who have made significant contributions to the profession, past and present. If you know a woman engineer whose story should be considered for inclusion in the project, or you have a story to share about one of these remarkable women, we would like to hear from you. We need your nominations by Friday 20 August 2004. Please send them to Carrie Loh at c.loh@ieee.org. If you have questions about the project, you can contact Carrie Loh at c.loh@ieee.org or Doug Gorham at d.g.gorham@ieee.org. The Regional Activities Board (RAB) Nominations & Appointments Committee is currently seeking candidates who are interested in serving on the following Committees in 2005: * RAB Awards & Recognition Committee * RAB Graduates of the Last Decade Committee * RAB Industry Relations Committee * RAB Nominations & Appointment Committee * RAB/TAB Section/Chapter Support Committee Specific information regarding each RAB Committee is available in the RAB Operations Manual at https://www.ieee.org/rabopsman. Please submit nominations to ra-admin@ieee.org by Friday, 1 October 2004. This will allow the RAB N&A Committee an opportunity to review the list of candidates prior to distribution to the 2005 RAB Chair and the RAB Vice Chairs. RECRUITING AND RETAINING VOLUNTEERS, PART XI What volunteers need: a safe, comfortable, and friendly working environment*." This is especially true of meetings held in urban area. Volunteers may not return if there is insufficient parking, expensive parking fees and/or poorly lit parking areas. Meeting notices should contain the address of the meeting place and a telephone number (cell phone) of someone who will be attending and knows the area. Some other items to consider:
Careful planning will ensure that volunteers feel that they are welcome and valuable members of the team. In addition, it will give them a positive image of the organization. (*from "Volunteers: How to Get Them, How to Keep Them" by Helen Little; page 57, Panacea Press, Inc. Naperville IL., 1999) |
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