Orlando Section Monthly
to the IEEE Orlando Section web site.
Established in 1959 and serving
over 1,400 members in
and Sumter
No. 07
August 2010

IEEE Orlando Section Executive Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 3rd., 2010
6:30 - 7:00 p.m. Social and
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. ExCom Meeting
Place: |
Business Development Center,
District 2 (affiliated with the UCF
and the S.B.A.) at 3218 East
Colonial Drive, Suite #G, Orlando,
FL 32802
Directions: In Herndon
Plaza just east of Maguire Blvd.
This is the shopping center across
Colonial Drive from Fashion Square.
It is on the west end of the
building around to the South-West
corner from the HH Gregg entrance.
Free for all IEEE members and
Non-IEEE members.
Donghui Wu
321-281-4561 - Office
321-946-0648 - Mobile
Star Search 201
and Scholarship
- The IEEE Orlando
Section announces
the request for
nominations for the
2010 Orlando Section
Awards, which will
be presented this
fall. The Orlando
Section presents six
awards annually:
- Outstanding
Engineering Educator
- Outstanding
- Outstanding
- Outstanding
- Outstanding
- Outstanding
Graduate Student
- Nominees must be
IEEE members in good
standing and have
been a resident of
the Orlando Section
for the past three
- Any Orlando
Section member in
good standing may
make a nomination
for the Orlando
Section Awards.
- Also,
the Orlando
Section presents Undergraduate
/ Graduate
Scholarship Awards
each calendar
must be IEEE
student / graduate
student members in
good standing,
currently an
active member in
one of the Orlando
Sections’ IEEE
Student chapters,
and currently
enrolled as
undergraduate /
graduate student
in an engineering
program at time of
the award. The
Awards Committee
essay question
for the 2010
scholarship award is: "What
are the three most
which make an
Engineering leader
successful and
explain your
reasons why you
picked them."
- Nomination forms
can be found at
and additional
information about
the nomination
procedure can be
found at
- The award and scholarship packets must be received by
1 September 2010, NO EXCEPTIONS.
- The mailing address for all award
and scholarship packets is:
Tom Wandeloski
Chief Technology Officer
C/O TDW Consultants, LLC
5224 West SR 46, Suite 141
Sanford, FL 32771
Any questions or further clarifications for awards
and scholarship packets, can be e-mail to Thomas M.
IEEE Membership Benefits: bringing together a trusted voice, global community, and profession
The IEEE is the world's largest technical society, bringing members access to the industry's most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits.
IEEE's online membership directory, connecting members worldwide. Offered as an exclusive benefit of membership.
- Microsoft
Software Offer for IEEE Students
IEEE, in conjunction with Microsoft, is pleased to offer a wide selection of development software to IEEE Student members.
- E-book
IEEE and Wiley Press offer members access to over 220 e-books via IEEE Xplore
Forming an IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group
The Orlando section is interested in organizing an affinity group for Women in Engineering, following the Florida West Coast Section and Northwest Florida Section which have already done so. The group is open to all who support women in engineering, regardless of gender. The annual membership fee is $25 and includes electronic access to the WIE membership directory and WIE Newsletter. Membership is free to Life Members, Student Members and Graduate Student Members.
Those interested should contact Membership Development chair,
Dr. William
by email with WIE in the subject line.
Benefits and Status of IEEE Life Membership
- Dues and Regional assessments are waived for a Life member.
- For qualifying Life members, Society fees are waived
(IEEE Bylaw
- Individuals may receive reduced member rates at IEEE sponsored conferences.
IEEE Policy 10.1.15 (Conference Registration Fees) indicates "There must be a reduced fee, waiver of fees, or fee differential for Student members. Reduced fees, waiver of fees, or fee differential for unemployed IEEE members, retired members, and Life members, and for special registrants (e.g., guests, speakers, and exhibitors) are permitted at the discretion of the Conference Committee. The individual registration fee for retired members and for Life members must be no more than that for Students."
- Life members continue to receive the same
benefits that are available to other IEEE members.
- IEEE Financial Advantage Program (includes IEEE Insurance Program)
Needed for AUTOTESTCON 2010
Conference, Marriott World Resort and
Conference Center, Sep. 11-16, 2010
AUTOTESTCON 2012 Conference
needs volunteers - both active
student and non-student IEEE
members in the Orlando Section
to staff Registration Booths.
Registration will be open daily
from Sunday, September 12,
through the morning of Thursday,
September 16. Hours for
conference registration can be
found at the conference website,
www.autotestcon.com .
Details of
the compensation for student and
non-student volunteers are
available from the Registration
Chair, William Hortos,
. Compensation
requires a commitment of at
least 4 contiguous hours for the
day(s) designated by the
volunteer. Volunteers for
Registration Booths must notify
the Registration Chair of
intended day(s) and hours of
service prior to September 6,
The AUTOTESTCON 2012 Conference
also need volunteers (restricted
to non-student IEEE members of
the Orlando Section) to staff
the Information Booth.
Volunteers must have knowledge
of the sites and resources in
the Greater Orlando area. The
Information Booth will be open
during the hours of conference
registration. Details of the
compensation for volunteers to
the Information Booth are
available from the Registration
Chair, William Hortos,
. Compensation
requires a commitment of at
least 4 contiguous hours for the
day(s) designated by the
volunteer. Volunteers for the
Information Booth must notify
the Registration Chair of
intended day(s) and hours of
service prior to September 6,
Note that basic conference
registration for AUTOTESTCON
2012, including the Technical
Conference and Exhibits, is
to active IEEE Graduate Student
Members, Student Members, and
Life Members with the provision
of Member ID#s. Additional items
and events at the conference are
not complementary. Online
registration is now open until
August 23, 2010 at
www.autotestcon.com. After
August 23, 2010, conference
registration is on site.
Needed - SoutheastCon 2012 Conference in
Region 3 annual conference, SoutheastCon,
will be held in Orlando in the spring of
2012. This is a good opportunity for
section members to get experience in helping
to manage a significant technical
conference. Currently there are
opportunities in committees for local
arrangements, technical program,
registration, sponsorship solicitation,
papers reviewers, exhibits, publicity,
contest competitions, and hospitality (among
others). For further information, send
email to
, with "2012" in the subject line.
The IEEE Orlando Section Monthly is proud to
feature a distinguished member each month in
the Section's Profile. If you have
contributed greatly to your profession
and/or to our ranks of the IEEE we would
like to hear from you.
in Touch
to the Orlando Section E-mail List to keep
in touch with all the Orlando Section
activities. Just send an e-mail with
SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to IEEE
Orlando Section.