- Let all our IEEE Orlando Section members, families,
and friends join together in prayer and in moral support
for those who have suffered from the horrible effects of
the Attack on America the morning of September 11th. We
grieve for all the families who lost loved ones. We must
help in every way possible to provide hope and
assistance. Even the Japanese leaders have called this
carefully-planned series of events the most devastating
and inhumane since their attack on Pearl Harbor. While
the terrorists struck at our symbols of financial
strength and economic power, as well as our symbol of
military power, they left unscathed the religious centers
which are the real symbol of human spiritual strength and
the power of life everlasting.
- In the light of this unthinkable crime and the
disruption to so many aspects of our daily lives, your
EXCOM members decided to postpone our annual family
social event until Saturday, October 27, 2001.
- Your chairman is glad to be home safely from
Australia. The people are very friendly there and easy to
work with. I tried to make contact with an IEEE Section
there but did not have the free time to visit at the
university. Flying for 19 hours on 747s and 757s each way
accounted for two days of our limited time overseas.
- Dr. Eric Ackerman did an excellent job of organizing
the FCIEEE meeting at Nova Southeastern University. Drs.
Sundarum and Flinchbaugh attended for the full day of
business sessions on Saturday, September 15. The weather
was fine after leaving the pathway of the hurricane which
traveled through Central Florida on Friday. Karl Lohman
(awards) from Winter Park and Jim Howard (Region 3) from
Tampa participated by telephone conference call, along
with the twelve members present. We need to submit our
awards nominees by October 1, 2001. Jim Beale encouraged
Chapter activities to maintain active status. The new
P.E. CEU requirements were also discussed, and IEEE
courses are certified for FL credit. Eric suggested that
each section participating in the concentration banking
plan acquire a bank debit card or an AMEX credit car with
a $500 limit for ease in handling financial billings.
Butch Shadwell announced that Jacksonville is bidding on
SouthEastCon 2005. Carl Hussey discussed congressional
advocacy, and Dr. Dave Flinchbaugh volunteered to contact
the director of the Hi Tech I-4 Corridor to give a talk
at the January 17, 2002 SouthCon luncheon in
- The next FCIEEE meeting will be held at UCF on
Saturday, December 1, 2001. Let me urge all Orlando
technical society chairmen to attend our next Orlando
EXCOM meeting on October 2, and please make sure that you
have conducted at least two meetings by the end of this
year. Please remember that you are allowed to count joint
meetings with other chapters, sections, or even other
technical/engineering societies such as the AIAA, IAS,
- We'll see you again soon!

- Dr. David E.
Flinchbaugh, P.E., C.Mfg.E.
- Director, The Technology
Consulting Center
- 822-24 East Wallace
- Orlando, FL
- Tel: (O) 407-447-1516,
(C) 407-760-7200, (H) 407-849-4855
- Fax (H) 407-281-9272,
Fax (O) 407-438-3922
- davidf@urosolutions.com