IEEE Orlando Section - Chairman's Corner

Greetings Orlando Section Members!

As the 2001 draws to a close, we have a lot to be thankful for. Our section has retained about 1,400 members, we have conducted our EXCOM meetings on a regular basis, we enjoyed an excellent awards banquet at the University of Central Florida, our family picnic at Rock Springs was well attended, and we have kept most of our technical society chapters alive. The Power Engineering Society excelled by conducting a professional continuing education credit seminar series. Distinguished Life Fellow George McClure covered a broad span of activities and helpful organizational information in his talk on 13 November 2001 at the downtown Orange County library. We had plenty of pizza and beverages to satisfy everyone.

All EXCOM members are invited to enjoy a light supper at Grady's Restaurant on Tuesday, 4 December 2001, starting at about 6 PM (ordering from the menu). We will conduct our election of officers for the coming year, and we want a volunteer to fill each and every position in the Executive Committee, including all of the chapter chairmen. Grady's is on Route 436, east side, just south of the corner at University Blvd. See you there!

Best regards to all!

Dave Flinchbaugh

Dr. David E. Flinchbaugh, P.E., C.Mfg.E.
Director, The Technology Consulting Center
822-24 East Wallace Street
Orlando, FL 32809-5170
Tel: (O) 407-447-1516, (C) 407-760-7200, (H) 407-849-4855
Fax (H) 407-281-9272, Fax (O) 407-438-3922

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) is
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of more than 350,000 members in the information and electrotechnology
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the World" slogan, the IEEE helps to foster technological innovation,
enable members' careers, and promote worldwide professional community.
The Educational Activities Board (EAB) of the IEEE recommends educational
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educational activities, programs, and products.
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Updated 11/01/2001