- IEEE Job Site
Revenue Share Program for
- Find Conferences
Scheduled in your Section
- Call For RAB Award
- Reminder, Bounty
Offered For Arrears Members!
- Newsletter Editors
and Webmasters: Access Hundreds Of IEEE
- Congratulate the

In 2003, the IEEE Job Site has a valuable new
revenue share program for IEEE Sections. Your
Section can receive a ten percent commission from
the job posting fees of companies, which you refer
to the Job Site. Single job posts cost $175 for 30
days and multiple post contracts start at $570
four postings annually.
Sections are encouraged to make their local
members aware of the Job Site and to ask them to
enroll their recruitment managers for a free job
posting at https://www.spectrum.ieee.org/jobsite/hrmanagerform/.
This form requires that a member indicate their
local Section so that the referral can be tracked
for revenue share purposes. Member referral to
this page can be done through announcements at
meetings, Web site links and notices in e-mail and
print newsletters. Recruitment managers referred
by members will be contacted by Job Site staff to
place their free posting and to determine whether
they wish to pay for additional online job ads.
Each participating Section receives a quarterly
revenue activity report and their revenue share
commission is paid annually. For further details,
please contact Mike Buryk, Job Site business
development manager, at +1 212
419 7571, or m.buryk@ieee.org.
To view and/or download a slide presentation on
the Job Site revenue share program, go to the IEEE
Section Chapter Support Volunteer Forum virtual
community at https://www.ieeecommunities.org/section-chapter_vol.
"Lists" from the menu on the left of the screen.
Other presentations will become available at this
location as well. Sign up for daily, weekly or
monthly emailed updates to the virtual
First time visitors to the site, you will need
to sign up by doing the following:
1. Click on "Join".
2. Choose "Option A: Create a new
3. Complete all fields marked with a red
4. Read the Terms of Service and check the
box to indicate agreement.
5. Click the "Join Now" box.
If you have questions about the IEEE
Section-Chapter Volunteer Forum, contact Denise
Maestri at +1 732 562 5505 or d.maestri@ieee.org.
There may be opportunities in a number of
Sections for enhancing technical opportunities.
IEEE Societies have hundreds of conferences around
the world each year. These conferences may be held
in the geographic area of your Section or in a
neighboring Section. The IEEE Conference Search
Page can help your Section identify conferences
that will be held in the territory of your Section.
The web address is
There is a sheet for each conference with
information on contacts, locations, and dates. The
Conference Search database can be searched for
city, state, Region, by sponsor, and by year.
For near term conferences, there may be a
possibility of setting up a Section meeting with a
world-renowned speaker who is in town for the
conference. The conference organizers may be able
to get your Section a discount for the meeting
Your Section may be able to provide an
educational opportunity for members who are not
Society members by informing them and getting
access to a conference without travel.
There may be a revenue opportunity for
conferences that are in the planning stages, your
Section can provide volunteers and operational
support in areas such as registration, photography,
finance, guest programs, and other volunteer tasks.
The conference organizers probably won't contact
you, but
if you contact them with information about what
you can do for them, they may be interested and may
negotiate a sharing of profit.
The other opportunity is to meet active IEEE
members in your Section. Askif you can attend a
local organizing committee meeting, and meet active
IEEE members that you might not normally meet.
Invite them to Section meetings. You may even be
able to recruit them for a Section office!
The strength of IEEE is the work of the
volunteer at the local level. Without the efforts
of the local volunteer, IEEE would not be able to
promote the understanding of the influence of
technology on the public welfare. These volunteers
need to be recognized for their efforts, we don't
recognize the local volunteers enough for their
work or the impact they have on society.
The RAB Awards and Recognition Program seeks to
honor the outstanding efforts of some of the most
invaluable IEEE Volunteers who have made
substantial Regional contributions through
innovative projects, exemplary leadership, service,
and by fulfilling the goals as related to
Transnational Activities. Each prestigious award
has a unique mission and criteria, and offers the
opportunity to honor distinguished colleagues,
inspiring teachers and corporate leaders. We are
currently accepting nominations for the following
RAB Awards:
* RAB Achievement Award
* RAB Innovation Award
* RAB Leadership Award
* RAB Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award
These awards, the most prestigious RAB has to
offer, are designed to recognize outstanding
efforts by IEEE volunteers. These are NOT technical
achievement awards. The deadline for nominations
is 15 October 2003. You can submit award
nominations online by visiting the following web
As the nomination process, and the requisite
documentation, takes its own time, I would
recommend an early start.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate
to contact Hans Peek, Chair - RAB Awards &
Recognition Committee, at rab-awards@ieee.org
The Section arrears recovery pilot program is
underway. All Sections are eligible to participate
in this program, which awards Sections for
recovering full dues paying members. Under this
program, each Section will receive $5.00 for each
full dues paying arrears member recovered between
now and 31 August 2003.
Don't miss an opportunity to help recover
arrears members and earn additional funds for your
Section. For more information about this program
contact Felicia Taylor at f.taylor@ieee.org or
visit the web at https://www.ieee.org/organizations/rab/md/arrears_recovery_prog.html.
IEEE publications and Web sites now have access
to hundreds of print ads and Web graphics free of
charge through the IEEE Online Promotional
The ads in the IEEE Online Promotional Library
were created by the IEEE Creative Services team on
behalf of the IEEE businesses they serve. These ads
have appeared in The Institute, IEEE Spectrum, at
www.ieee.org, and in numerous other IEEE media to
extend the IEEE messages of value, quality and
service to the profession.
IEEE publishers may browse print or Web ads to
find promotional items that match their needs. Web
ads are available for immediate download. Print ads
may be requested through an online form and will be
shipped on CD within seven business days. All users
must register on the site before receiving any of
these promotional items.
The IEEE Online Promotional Library is located
For more information, contact Terry Burns, IEEE
Sales & Marketing, at t.burns@ieee.org.
It is now graduation season in many places
around the world. Sections can reach out to offer
warm congratulations and support to the IEEE
students graduating this year. You can identify
graduating Students by using SAMIEEE to select
Students and filtering by graduation date. For
assistance, send an email to