IEEE Central Texas Section Joint Communications and Signal Processing Chapter |
Practical Interference Alignment - Promises and Challenges Speaker: Prof. Sriram Vishwanath, ECE, University of Texas, Texas Date: 25th April 2011 Time: 6.30PM - 7.30PM Venue: AT&T Labs, 9505 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX 78759 Venue Map (Google Maps) Click Here to Register Contact: Saurabh Sureka - Talk Abstract:
Alignment is a new and exciting technique that promises tremendous
throughput gains for wireless systems. For a 50 user system, it can
improve the throughput by 2400% (25 times) that of current schemes.
This seems almost too good to be true. In this talk, we cover both the
theory and the practical implementation aspects of interference
alignment. We show that alignment can be practically implemented even
without channel state information, and a substantial fraction of the
theoretical gains can be realized in real-time systems.
Speaker Profile: Sriram Vishwanath received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford and his M.S. from Caltech. His industry experience includes work with Alcatel Lucent and National Semiconductor Corp. Sriram is the co-recipient of the 2005 IEEE Joint ComSoc/ITSoc best paper award, the NSF Career and the ARO young investigator award. He has advised or is currently advising over 30 PhD students and has multiple patents in the field of wireless communications and systems. |