IEEE Central Texas Section Joint Communications and Signal Processing Chapter |
Addressing the Current and Future
Wireless Demand Speaker: Dave Wolter Date: 15th July 2010 Time: 6.00PM - 7.30PM Venue: AT&T Labs, 9505 Arboretum Blvd, Austin, TX 78759 Venue Map (Google Maps) Click Here to Register Contact: Saurabh Sureka - Talk Abstract:
This talk will discuss the explosion in
mobile data usage, some of the reasons behind this, and how
AT&T; and the industry are moving forward to address this
demand through technology evolution and network design.
Speaker Profile: Dave Wolter is the Executive Director of the Radio Technology and Strategy group at AT&T; Labs - Austin. He directs a team responsible for identification, simulation, assessment and enhancement of leading edge radio technologies and architecture in support of AT&T;’s fixed and mobile wireless businesses. The scope of his responsibilities includes current and future generations of mobile systems, Wi-Fi, and fixed wireless access systems with a focus on radio system performance. His group also supports strategic analysis, spectrum strategy, business case development, and standards development. |