2010 Meeting Archives

January 2010
Robot Team Coordination and Simulteneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
February 2010
The PR2 Robot: A personal robot for software developers
Modeling and Optimization in Traffic Flow Management
March 2010
"Cognitive" Memory and its Applications
May 2010
Next Generation MEMS Inertial Sensors: |
Multi-Vehicle Task and Mission Planning with Visualization Prof. el-Hadi M. Aggoune, Cogswell Polytechnical College |
August 2010
Computers and Telescopes: Seeing to the Edge of the Universe Sidd Bikkannavar, Researcher, Jet Propulsion Laboratory |
Lessons in Remote Presence Sanford Dickert, Product Director for the Texai Remote Presence Product at Willow Garage |
September 2010
Object Bank: An Object-Level Image Representation ofr High-Level Visual Tasks Jia Li, Stanford University |
December 2010
Autonomy: From Outer to Inner Space Deep Ocean Exploration using NASA Technology Dr. Kanna Rajan, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) |
Applied Robotics in the XV-11 Nathan Monson, Neato Robotics |