Women In Engineering (WIE) - Hamilton Section
WIE is dedicated to facilitating the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and the retention of women in engineering programs, enhance the career advancement of women in the profession, and promote IEEE membership and retention of IEEE women members. The scope of interest is:
- Encouraging women to participate in IEEE governance.
- Organizing technical meetings, tours and talks; these talks are mostly held by engineer women from industry and academia.
- Planning networking programs/events and social meetings.
- Providing women engineers as speakers and/or mentors about careers in engineering.
WIE membership is open to anyone (women and men) and your support ensures that women will be well represented within IEEE and in the workplace. WIE Student Membership is FREE. Why not consider joining WIE - for more information about membership visit the WIE web site, select "membership", then "Join WIE" - links are on the left side of the pages.
WIE Representatives
Some Links
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