Welcome to IEEE CIS Benelux Chapter
Announcement ESANN 2011!
19th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning Bruges (Belgium) April 27-28-29, 2011
Co-sponsored by the IEEE CIS Benelux chapter
The preliminary program of the ESANN 2011 conference is now available on the Web: https://https://www.dice.ucl.ac.be/esann
For 19 years the ESANN conference has become a major event in the field of neural computation and machine learning. ESANN is a selective conference focusing on fundamental aspects of artificial neural networks, machine learning, statistical information processing and computational intelligence. Mathematical foundations, algorithms and tools, and applications are covered.
For submissions of papers, reviews, registrations:
Michel Verleysen
Univ. Cath. de Louvain
Machine Learning Group 3
pl. du Levant
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Belgium tel: +32 10 47 25 51 - fax: + 32 10 47 25 98
Conference secretariat
d-side conference services
24 av. L. Mommaerts
B-1140 Evere
Belgium tel: + 32 2 730 06 11 - fax: + 32 2 730 06 00
Join us at ESANN!