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IEEE Italy Section PES Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2019.
Award recipient:
- Muhammad Usman(XXXII Ciclo, University of Padova) for the PhD thesis
"Novel Methodologies for the Analysis and Management of Low Voltage Active Distribution Networks".
IEEE Italy Section PES Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2018.
Award recipient:
- Sandro Rubino (XXXI Ciclo, Torino Polytechnic) for the PhD thesis
"High Performance Control Techniques for Multiphase eDrives".
IEEE Italy Section PES Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2017.
Award recipient:
- Pasquale De Falco (XXX Ciclo, University of Naples "Federico II") for the PhD thesis
"Advanced forecasting methods for renewable generation and loads in modern power systems".
IEEE Italy Section PES Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2016.
Award recipient:
- Francesco Lamberti (XIV Ciclo - Nuova Serie, University of Salerno) for the PhD thesis
"Ancillary services in Smart Grids to support distribution networks in the integration of renewable energy resources".
IEEE Italy Section PES Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2015.
Award recipients:
- Tommaso Caldognetto (XXVIII Ciclo, University of Padua) for the PhD thesis
"Control of electronic power converters for low-voltage microgrids";
- Massimiliano Coppo (XXVIII Ciclo, University of Padua) for the PhD thesis
"Modeling and management of active electric distribution networks".
IEEE Italy Section PES Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2014.
Award recipient:
- Andrea Mazza (XXVII Ciclo, Torino Polytechnic) for the PhD thesis
"Innovative approaches for optimization of the distribution system operation".
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2013.
Award recipient:
- Francesco Baccino (XXVI Ciclo, University of Genova) for the PhD thesis
"SmartGrids applications: examples in distribution and transmission electrical networks".
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2012.
Award recipient:
- Claudia Battistelli (XXII Ciclo, University of Naples "Federico II") for the PhD thesis
"Advanced Aspects on Power Systems Security Including New Deterministic Techniques and Risk Analysis Based Methodologies".
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2011.
Award recipient:
- Alessandro Serpi (XXI Ciclo, University of Cagliari) for the PhD thesis
"Predictive Control Of Electrical Drives".
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2010.
Award recipient:
- Jean Sumaili Akilimali (XX Ciclo, Torino Polytechnic) for the PhD thesis
"Current Decomposition-Based Loss Partitioning and Loss Allocation in Distribution Systems".
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2009.
Award recipient:
- Samuele Grillo (XX Ciclo, University of Genova) for the PhD thesis
"Interaction between Economics and Security in Power Systems: Application of Neural Networks to Security Assessment"
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2008.
Award recipient:
- Marco Savino Pasquadibisceglie (XVIII Ciclo, Milan Polytechnic) for the PhD thesis
"Monte Carlo methods in a deregulated market: transit limits and bilateral contracts".
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2005.
Award recipient:
- Anna Minoia (XVII Ciclo, Bari Polytechnic) for the PhD thesis
"Reference Transmission Network Concept in an oligopolistic Electricity market: a game theory approach".
IEEE PES Italian Joint Chapter: Best Thesis Award in Power Engineering for year 2004.
Award recipients:
- Sergio Bruno (XVI Ciclo, Bari Polytechnic) for the PhD thesis
"Security Monitoring and Control in Restructured Power Systems";
- Daniele Gallo (XV Ciclo, 2nd Univerity of Naples) for the PhD thesis
"Processing of Electrical Signals for Harmonic and Interarmonic Analysis".