Reviewers on this list communicate with the Technical Program Committee. The reviewers originate from different countries.
Reviewer List
A - B
- Dr. Kodjo Agbossou
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
- Dr. Saad Ali Amin
Coventry University, U.K.
- Dr. Udaya D. Annakkage
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Alagan Anpalagan
Ryerson University, ON
- Dr. S. Balakrishnan
University of Manitoba
- Mr. Fern Berard
Norsat International Inc., MB
- Dr. Dave Blight
Palm Computing, California
- Dr. Greg Bridges
University of Manitoba
- Dr. D.A. Buchanan
IBM - TJ Watson Research Center
C - H
- Dr. Howard Card
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Doug Chapman
Manitoba Hydro
- Dr. Ken Ferens
Norsat International Inc. & University of Manitoba
- Dr. Xavier Fernando
Ryerson University, ON
- Dr. Paul Fieguth
University of Waterloo, ON
- Dr. Ani Gole
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Richard Gordon
Radiology, HSC, University of Manitoba
- Dr. Eric Holdrinet
National Research Council
- Dr. Ekram Hossain
University of Manitoba
K - M
- Dr. Witold Kinsner
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Srithar Krishnan
Ryerson University, ON
- Dr. Joe LoVetri
University of Manitoba
- Mr. Roger Ludwick
Manitoba Hydro
- Dr. Om Malik
University of Calgary, AB
- Dr. Gert O. Martens
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Peter McLaren
University of Florida
- Dr. Robert McLeod
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Dean McNeill
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Zahra Moussavi
University of Manitoba
N - R
- Dr. Raouf Naguib
Biomedical Comp, Coventry University, U.K.
- Dr. Mirek Pawlak
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Witold Pedrycz
University of Alberta, AB
- Dr. James Peters
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Kim Persad
Industrial Technology Centre, MB
- Dr. Nick Pizzi
NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics, MB
- Dr. M. Raj Raghuveer
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Sheela Ramanna
Dept. Business Computing, U of Winnipeg
- Dr. M.M. Rashwan
Brandt & Rashwan Consultants / Siemens, MB
- Dr. Marek Reformat
University of Alberta
- Ms. Michelle Rheault
Manitoba Hydro
- Dr. Jose Rueda
TRLabs, Winnipeg
S - Z
- Dr. Abdel Sebak
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Nur Serinken
CRC, Ottawa
- Dr. Cyrus Shafai
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Ed Shwedyk
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Adam Skorek
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
- Dr. Ray L. Somorjai
NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics, MB
- Dr. V.K. Sood
Hydro Québec
- Dr. David Swatek
Manitoba Hydro
- Dr. Gabriel Thomas
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Doug Thomson
University of Manitoba
- Dr. Alison Todman
Coventry University, U.K.