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May 12 to 15, 2002
Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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Ian Walkty

Space Activities at Bristol Aerospace - Past, Present and Future

Ian Walkty, B.Sc., M.Sc., P.Eng.
Manager, Satellite Products
Bristol Aerospace Limited
Winnipeg, MB R3C 2S4

14 May 2002 (Tuesday)

8:35 to 9:25 AM

Fort Garry Hotel
222 Broadway Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0R3

Bristol Aerospace has been involved in the space community for over 40 years. This work has principally been undertaken with the Canadian Space Agency and with NASA. Bristol initially entered this business area with solid propellant rocket technology that was acquired from the Canadian Government. This technolgy spawned a family of suborbital rockets (the Black Brant family) that have been launched from ranges worldwide. To date, over 600 rockets have been launched. This initial propulsion activity naturally led into the design and development of rocket payloads, which have been flown on Black Brant vehicles to support upper atmospheric research. Over 125 rocket payloads have been developed for Canadian researchers. With the introduction of the U.S. Space Shuttle, payload work evolved to shuttle payload development and operations support. Recently, Bristol has also started work on Space Station payload hardware.

For the last 15 years, Bristol has been a strong proponent of microsatellites and small satellites in Canada, and has worked with the Canadian Space Agency in the introduction of their SCISAT small satellite program. Bristol is presently developing SCISAT-1 for launch on 20 December 2002.

Bristol's future focus will be on space products (GyroWheel and MIM) and on new satellite missions for the Canadian Space Agency, the Department of National Defence, and for commercial customers. Further out in the future are opportunities for missions to Mars, which is a focus of the new Canadian Space Agency's president.

Mr. Ian Walkty is the Manager of Satellite Products at Bristol Aerospace Limited in Winnipeg. Has been involved in their space program for many years, with a formidable experience in rockets, payloads, space electronics, and management. He is responsible for all small satellite programs at Bristol, and particularly for the management of pre-SCISAT-1 spacecraft technology development projects, including the SCISAT Control and Data Handling System, as well as the design and development of the spacecraft bus for the Canadian Space Agency's (CSA) SCISAT-1 / ACE Mission that will be launched in December 2002.

He was involved in various programs, including the SPP Microsats (1997-8), DND Smallsats (1994-6), VCF Shuttle payload (flight 1998), CFZF VCU Shuttle payload ( flight 1998), OEDIPUS-C rocket payload ( flight 1995), CSAR-2 rocket payload ( flight 1994), GEMINI rocket payload (flight 1994), QUESTS 1 Shuttle payload (flight 1992), CSAR-1 rocket payload (flight 1992), OEDIPUS-A rocket payload (flight 1989), and many other related projects.

He was also involved in the design of the Automatic Weather Stations and Data Collection Platforms, the Atmospheric Environment Service's READAC Automatic Weather Station and the Lighthouse Automation Program, and the Defence Research Establishment's Sunshine Weather Data Acquisition System. Furthermore, he was involved in the design, development and implementation in the areas of real-time multisensor data acquisition systems, special-purpose hardware for digital filters, real-time signal analysis, beamforming, and conventional as well as adaptive spectral analysis.

Mr. Walkty obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, in 1972 and 1973, respectively.

Prof. W. Kinsner, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5V6

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