[IEEE Kite] [CCECE02 Logo]
May 12 to 15, 2002
Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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The 2002 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE02) is scheduled for three and a half days, with Sunday dedicated to workshops (1 to 5 PM) at the University of Manitoba, and to the Reception & Banquet (6 to 9 PM) at the CCECE02 site, the Fort Garry Hotel.

The conference received 360 papers from authors from Canada and many other countries. All the papers have been reviewed by international reviewers. The final number of papers presented at the conference is 303 based on their registration. These papers will be published in the IEEE CCECE02 Proceedings as a two volume printed set, and a single CD-ROM.

The conference has four parallel streams of Oral Sessions from Monday to Wednesday. The streams are dedicated to the main topics of the conference:

  1. Power Systems;
  2. Comupters and Computing;
  3. Signal Processing; and
  4. Computer Networks and Communications

There are also four Poster Sessions, with two Poster Sessions running on Monday and Tuesday (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).

Each Oral Session stream has 16 papers per day (8 in the morning and 8 in the afternoon). Thus 192 papers will be presented at the Oral Sessions. Each paper at the Oral Session has a time slot of 20 minutes, including questions and answers.

The remaining papers will be presented at the four longer 2-hour Poster Sessions, with approximately 30 papers per Poster Session. Each paper at the Poster Session has a time slot of two hours (i.e., the duration of the Poster Session).


The CCECE02 conference organizers and the CCECE02 Conference Committee shall not be responsible in any way for the no-shows (i.e., the authors who do not present their papers) at the CCECE02 conference.

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