[IEEE Kite] [CCECE02 Logo]
May 12 to 15, 2002
Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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In this section, we present an alphabetical list of all the 1146 keywords and keyword phrases, either provided by the authors in their papers, or selected by the editor, WK, otherwise. Each keyword is linked to the appropriate oral or poster session where all of the information about the paper is listed. Notice that this feature has been implemented for the first time in the CCECE conferences.

On the CD-ROM CCECE02 Proceedings, the actual paper is also provided. Since the material is covered by the IEEE copyright, the actual papers cannot be published on the Web.

The 2002 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE02) has received 360 papers from authors from Canada and many other countries. The final number of papers presented at the conference is 300 based on their registration. These papers will be published in the IEEE CCECE02 Proceedings as a three volume printed set, and a single CD-ROM. The CD-ROM Proceedings will be distributed to each registrant. The printed Proceedings can be purchased from the IEEE.

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