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May 12 to 15, 2002
Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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TM4 Oral Session:
Computer Networks 5: Multicast
Tuesday Morning, May 14
09h30 - 10h30
  • D. Dodds
  • M. Maamoun
  • TM4.1 (212) 09h30 - 09h50
    Interfaçage dans les systèmes à microprocesseur avec un adressage physique accéléré
    Maamoun, M., Benbelkacem, A., and Berkani, P.
    Laboratoire du Signal and Communications, École Nationale Polytechniques, Alger, Algérie Département de génie informatique, École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Canada

    IEEE CCECE02 Proceedings; ISBN: 0-7803-7514-9; vol. 3, pp. 1406-1411

    TM4.2 (261) 09h50 - 10h10
    AM-SRL: Adaptive multicast operation of the supernode-based reverse labeling algorithm
    Dong, Y., Yang, T., Makrakis, D., and Lambadaris, I.*
    Broadband Wireless and Internetworking Research Laboratory, School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Ottawa
    *Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University

    IEEE CCECE02 Proceedings; ISBN: 0-7803-7514-9; vol. 3, pp. 1412-1417

    TM4.3 (266) 10h10 - 10h30
    In-building data-over-voice Internet access
    Lynch, D. and Dodds, D.*
    University of Saskatchewan, *University of Saskatchewan and TRLabs, Saskatoon, SK, Canada

    IEEE CCECE02 Proceedings; ISBN: 0-7803-7514-9; vol. 3, pp. 1418-1423

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