[IEEE Kite] [CCECE02 Logo]
May 12 to 15, 2002
Hotel Fort Garry, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

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[Klezmer Music photo]


Three members of Finjan (Kinsey Posen, Shayla Fink, and Myron Schultz) will be playing at the CCECE02's banquet.

Finjan is at the forefront of Klezmer music in this country. They are recognized for their fresh, original style, and their energetic and exciting performances. They have brought their music to hundreds of audiences from North America to Europe for 20 years. The group's career highlights include an appearance in the popular movie "The Outside Chance of Maxmillian Glick", appearances on National Public Radio's A Prairie Home Companion, several concerts for NPR's The Lonesome Pine Special, and several headline performances in San Francisco's Klezmermania. Two of their albums were nominated for Juno Awards and their most recent, "Klezmer Suite" with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, was also nominated for a Juno earlier this spring.


  • Klezmer at CCECE02's banquet.

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