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Author's Guide




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2004 Author's Guide
Paper Format


The CCECE-2004 Conference Committee will provide attendees with a CD-ROM containing the conference proceedings and PDF viewers for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix. The CD-ROMs serve participants at CCECE conferences very well and increase the utility of papers as reference documents.

File Submission Format

Papers must be submitted in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). When preparing your PDF file; do not enable security, do not disable printing! These submissions must be formatted to 8.5 x 11 inches page size, and in first-page-first order. Please verify that the final version of your PDF file is readable by Adobe Acrobat Reader before submission. Papers that do not print correctly cannot be published. For best results, authors should avoid the use of custom half tones, bitmap pattern fills, and bitmap fonts. Use standard half tones and solid colour or grey fills instead.

The filename of your PDF file must be the paper number assigned to you by the CCECE committee, followed by the Portable Document Format extension (.pdf). For example, if the CCECE committee assigned you the number 1667, you would submit your file as "1667.pdf".

Paper Format

Normal paper length is 4 pages. Up to 6 pages may be submitted if payment of the excess page ($100) is included with your registration fee. These page counts include all figures, tables, and references. Papers over 6 pages in length will not be accepted.

When preparing your paper, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. All manuscripts must be in English or French, in black text colour. 
  2. Any text or other material outside the margins specified below will not be printed: 
    1. All text and figures must be contained in a 175 mm x 225.4 mm (6-7/8 inch x 8-7/8 inch) image area. 
    2. The left margin has to be 19 mm (0.75 inch). 
    3. The top margin has to be 25 mm (1.0 inch), except for the title page where is has to be 35 mm (1-3/8 inches). 
    Additional margin specifications: 
    1. Text should appear in two columns, each 83 mm wide with 8 mm space between columns. 
    2. On the first page, the top 50 mm (2 inches) of both columns is reserved for the title, author(s), and affiliation(s). These items should be centered across both columns, starting at 25 mm (1 inch) from the top of the paper. 
    3. The abstract should appear at the top of the left-hand column of text, about 12 mm (1/2 inch) below the title area and no more than 80 mm (3-1/8 inch) in length. Leave 12 mm (1/2 inch) space between the end of the abstract and the beginning of the main text. 
    A 4-page author instructions PDF file, with the margins and placement guides on page 4 is available for ease of printing. When you print this file, make sure the "shrink to fit" box is not checked!. It contains lines and boxes showing the margins and print areas. If you hold it and your printed page up to the light, you can easily check your margins to see if your print area fits within the space allowed. 
    A word document is available as a template for preparing your manuscript Word file
    Papers must be submitted in electronic form as specified below, formatted for standard letter-size (8-1/2 by 11 inches). Keep the top and left margins as specified. 
    Note: both the linked PDF and Word files were replaced on Nov. 28 at 2 p.m. EST to reflect the change that page numbers are NOT to be included. Please replace if you downloaded prior to this time.
  3. The paper title has to appear in capital letters, boldface if possible. The authors' name(s) and affiliation(s) appear below the title in capital and lower case letters. Papers with multiple authors and affiliations, may require two or more lines for this information. 
  4. Each paper should contain an abstract of 100 to 150 words that appears at the beginning of the paper.
  5. Major headings appear in capital letters, bold face if possible, centered in the column. Subheadings appear in capital and lower case, in boldface. They start at the left margin on a separate line. Sub-subheadings are discouraged, but if they must be used, they should appear in capital and lower case, and start at the left margin on a separate line.
  6. List and number all references at the end of the paper. The references can be numbered in alphabetic order or in order of appearance in the document. When referring to them in the text, type the corresponding reference number in square brackets as shown at the end of this sentence [1].

  7. [1] D. E. Ingalls, "An Important Paper," IEEE Trans. ASSP, vol. ASSP-36, pp. 1932-1948, 1988. 
  8. Illustrations must appear within the designated margins. They may span the two columns. If possible, position illustrations at the top of columns, rather than in the middle or at the bottom. Caption and number every illustration. All halftone illustrations must be clear black and white prints.
  9. To achieve the best viewing experience both for the proceedings and the CD-ROM, we strongly encourage to use Times-Roman font. In addition, this will give the proceedings a more uniform look. Use a font that is no smaller than nine point type throughout the paper, including figure captions. In nine point type font, capital letters are 2 mm high. 
  10. For 9-point type font, there should be no more than 3.2 lines/cm (8 lines/inch) vertically. This is a minimum spacing; 2.75 lines/cm (7 lines/inch) will make the paper much more readable. Larger type sizes require correspondingly larger vertical spacing. 
  11. Do NOT put page numbers on your papers. We will add appropriate page numbers to accepted papers when the conference proceedings are assembled.

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This page last updated: February 9, 2004 by the