Conference Secretariat
CCECE 2004
IEEE Canada
18 Robinhood Drive
Dundas, ON L9H 4G1
Phone: (905) 628 - 9554
Fax: (905) 628 - 9554
Technology Driving Innovation |
May 2-5, 2004
Sheraton Fallsview
Niagara Falls
Ontario, Canada
Lecture Presentation
Your acceptance email states whether your paper will be presented in a
poster or lecture session.
All lecture session presenters must attend the breakfast on the morning of
their presentation to meet with their session chair at the table indicated
by a sign displaying their session number (shown in the technical program)
to discuss arrangements and confirm their presence at the conference,
equipment to be used, order of presentation, etc.
Time is critical. Each paper is allocated 20 minutes. Presentation of
your slides should take about 14-15 minutes leaving 5-6 minutes for
introduction, summary, and questions from the audience.
Try to organize your slides (PowerPoint, 35 mm or viewgraph) around the
points you intend to make, trying to use no more than one slide per
minute. A reasonable strategy is to allocate about 2 minutes per slide
when there are equations or important key points to make, and one minute
per slide when the content is simpler. Slides attract and hold
attention, and reinforce what you say - provided you keep them simple
and easy to read. Plan on covering at most 6 points per slide, covered
by 6 to 12 spoken sentences and no more than about two spoken
It should be easy for you to look at each slide and speak easily and
naturally about it for one or two minutes. Make sure each of your key
points is easy to explain with aid of the material on your slides. Do
not read directly from the slide. You shouldn't need to prepare a
written speech, although it is often a good idea to prepare the opening
and closing sentences in advance. It is very important that you rehearse
your presentation in front of an audience before you give your
presentation at this conference. Surrogate presenters must be sufficiently
familiar with the material being presented to answer detailed questions
from the floor. In addition, the surrogate presenter must contact the
Session Chair in advance of the session.
The following standards should be followed to achieve the best results
for the presentation of your paper at this year's conference. It is imperative
that you follow the guidelines to ensure that the entire audience will
be able to see your slides. Your Session Chair may contact you in advance
of the conference and request copies of your visual aids for approval before
the conference.
All presenters are expected to bring and use their own laptop computer for
their paper presentation. All presentation rooms will be equipped with a
data projector, as well as a microphone (for large rooms), a lectern, and
a pointing device. If you need any other audio or visual equipment, such as a
35mm slide projector, PAL or NTSC VHS player, computer or overhead projector,
you must indicate your special equipment needs using this form by
no later than the time that you submit your complete paper
(you may be required to pay extra charges). Failure to make prior arrangements
may mean that the equipment will not be available to you.
Slides should be oriented horizontally. Their contents should fit
within a rectangle 23cm wide by 17cm high. Lettering: A minimum font (type)
size of 24 point (capital letters at least 6mm high) should be used. If
possible, use a "sans serif" font, for example "cmss" in the Computer Modern
family or the "Helvetica" Postscript font. It will make your viewgraphs
easier to read. Spacing: A minimum of 5mm of blank space should
be left between lines; more is preferable. Do not overcrowd your viewgraphs.
Leave as much "white space" as possible, to make them easily readable.
Following the above guidelines, you will easily be able to put as much
information on the slide as your audience can absorb in one minute.
Remember, you can expand upon some points in your lecture presentation.
The slides need not contain every minor piece of information. It is
more important that they be easily readable by the audience.
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Canada Council
This page last updated: March 13, 2004 by the